Salty Survivor Really Loves My Deathslinger – Dead by Daylight

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Today’s One game video is on Deathslinger But more importantly is on the Toxic Survivor who had such a rough time dodging my shots that they felt the personal need to come into my stream and throw slander and overall just making themselves look bad. For anyone who gets offended by what he has stated im sorry i didn’t blur any of it out as i believe players like this deserve to be put on blast!


27 thoughts on “Salty Survivor Really Loves My Deathslinger – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Imagine being so mad at a videogame that you ragequit, go to your opponents steam profile, find their twitch, harass them on twitch, and STILL STICK AROUND IN THE LOBBY to shit talk in the endgame chat; all because the flawless strategy of blindly holding 'w' didn't work out so well.

  2. As someone who's never played DBD but loves watching people play it, I'm always so confused as to why people get so salty when you beat them. To me, I'm watching and I'm like, this guy is a god tier killer. But these salty survivors don't seem to agree 💀💀

  3. Red, I absolutely love your videos. Every time I get a notification I always make a point in watching. You bring a lot of joy to my day- thank you! I can't wait to watch your channel grow.

  4. I have been watching your content now for a few months and really enjoyed your commentary. However, now that you have been streaming, it’s a bit distracting with chat, face cam, and when you read out comments throughout the vid. I understand you enjoy your community, but in my opinion it is a bit distracting to the vid


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