Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Today’s One game video is on Deathslinger But more importantly is on the Toxic Survivor who had such a rough time dodging my shots that they felt the personal need to come into my stream and throw slander and overall just making themselves look bad. For anyone who gets offended by what he has stated im sorry i didn’t blur any of it out as i believe players like this deserve to be put on blast!
Oh nooo he's got your ip
This is just art at this point lmao. Nice one Red
these are my favourite killer videos to watch, you're so good !!
Of course a dc counts for a 4k, you kill the actual player. Also, that salt would come in handy with my fries.
Hey red, can you are a simple build for plague? I just started to play her and I'm starting to really injoy her, but don't know what perks go with her at level 20
My god what a pissbaby haha
Your winning every match like its nothing ☠☠☠
I'm used to seeing salty survivors but this is the first one I've seen that wanted an audience for their stupidity.
Yeah! Deathslinger laughs just like Micah Bell!
The things these people say is just so embarrassing. You played well and they were outmatched. What losers. Anyway, love the deathslinger videos! Always a treat
Imagine being so mad at a videogame that you ragequit, go to your opponents steam profile, find their twitch, harass them on twitch, and STILL STICK AROUND IN THE LOBBY to shit talk in the endgame chat; all because the flawless strategy of blindly holding 'w' didn't work out so well.
Little update on it, they actioned on the guy, so i think they banned him.
As someone who's never played DBD but loves watching people play it, I'm always so confused as to why people get so salty when you beat them. To me, I'm watching and I'm like, this guy is a god tier killer. But these salty survivors don't seem to agree 💀💀
Im glad i got to catch this live, comedy gold
People be so quick to boot😂great video as usual tho red
"learn to dodge"
we both know dodging isn't a thing. you are just hoping for deathslinger to miss
I really enjoyed this one haha what a sore loser that survivor was. And by the way your laugh outmatches both doc and deathslinger
Red, I absolutely love your videos. Every time I get a notification I always make a point in watching. You bring a lot of joy to my day- thank you! I can't wait to watch your channel grow.
I like the way you say subscriber lol
You look older than you sound dang lol
People are such scum bags, threatening to ddos like he’s some hacker. Get a life kid, if mom finds out you’re making threats online you might get grounded 😂. Nice game red
I wonder how a shot in the chest doesnt make damage
why do so many players do that like in 5:20? You can literally hit a survivor through a window. Why would you breakt the chain and eat the stun, giving them more distance.
Sometimes they can't lose. They hate 2 see it 😂
Unreal the salt. Them hook skills though .. damn.
I have been watching your content now for a few months and really enjoyed your commentary. However, now that you have been streaming, it’s a bit distracting with chat, face cam, and when you read out comments throughout the vid. I understand you enjoy your community, but in my opinion it is a bit distracting to the vid
He is too hard to play with/against