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16 thoughts on “SBMM ACTUALLY CHANGED? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Thank you for making this, i've been seeing a lot of bemoaning from streamers about how they're only getting sweaty matches and that the change is 'all bad' because of that. This is far more nuanced. My survivor matches (since i play killer more and me and my survivor friends are… not great at it but not terrible) are FINALLY being matched against killers AT our skill level. For the past few months we were getting stomped for 75 to 80 percent of our matches or maybe ONE survived and got hatch during that. Now we've had multiple close call/ seat of your pants games that could go either which way. I wish there was something in between so that maybe the streamers complaining don't neccessarily get hurt so much by this change but idk.

    On the other side i wanted to mention that it may be possible that BHVR will more easily see disparities in gameplay with the SBMM change. Like how MUCH stronger a swf can be vs a lower tier killer or how MUCH a good nurse can destroy teams. I'm all for progress so I know that this change is definitely not perfect, I'm hoping this is just another step in a good direction and people can see a little nuance here.

  2. I used to be super sweaty when I played but after 4 or 5 years l said “F*ck it”. I like running random ass builds and experimenting with perks nowadays. Not taking the game as seriously has made it a bit more fun for me . This MMR change might benefit someone like me who plays more casually and turns up the heat only we feel like it.

  3. I have noticed my first matches have been easier then gradually get harder the more games I play per day but also depends on how the other side and/or team are playing too (a low skill casual )

  4. The point of moving the soft cap is just isolation.
    Anyone above the soft cap can be matched with anyone else there. Increasing it puts the people who were just barely above that line now below it, massively decreasing the the chance of facing way more skilled opponents.

  5. what kind of bites for the players that are not sweaty but they're just have so many hours or just good at the game where they're just unfortunately in that high MMR pool. I can go either way but sometimes in the mood for one thing or sometimes I'll move for the other let's just say, if it keeps going this way I need to see a ranked and unranked mode or new game modes like the Mobile is getting so there's new variety and I don't have to deal with the same thing consistently.

  6. On the forums Mandy said that the change basically only affects those in very high mmr, the soft cap was raised which means casual/average players have less chances to be paired with veteran/pro players.

  7. Maybe now those super sweaty players will learn to chill tf out, I get it people like competition, but if you’re gonna casually blow through less experienced players all the time you’re literally ruining the experience for the casual gamers that are keeping this game alive, it’s not fair to them, if people learn to chill out then less people will be above that soft cap so less sweaty games, BHVR needs to keep this

  8. Stricter MMR is how you save this game. With loose matchmaking, you get completely random matches, giving terrible data that you can't balance off. With strict MMR, like we had a year/year and a half ago, you had to deal with super sweaty matches, longer queues, but guess what? You got good balance changes, because you got good data.


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