SBMM IS A JOKE | Dead by Daylight

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


35 thoughts on “SBMM IS A JOKE | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Thank u these devs don’t know there own butts from a hole in the ground. They never play there game as much we all do. I am so tried of coming back and playing and immediately get thrown up against red ranks or when I’m a red rank I get paired against people in ash rank it’s neither fun for me or them. I have physical emails from these devs where working on it blah blah blah I’m just tried of it

  2. “Too much neuance “
    Why not use the points system ?
    You know the one used for
    finishing or stopping gens
    Hooking and unhooking, escaping chases and finishing chases and protecting team mates and healing or hurting survivors ? ?


  3. I don’t see a problem with how they do it, I play as killer get kills and after awhile it gets harder don’t get kills and drop until I start getting kills again and so on and so on, I think it’s more of a problem for people who play it more consistently I guess

  4. The only reason I keep playing the game is I hold out hope for a big change to things like this. I run meme builds and when a killer says I'm running OP perks, such as "Alert" then I am disappointed in the SBMM.

  5. I personally think that the emblem system did a better job than SBMM. Imo I feel like it is easier to abuse SBMM since a survivor can do gens, run the killer and get unhooks and just wait for EGC to kill them to get easier games. This will allow them to continue to get their grade up to iri 1 and a healthy amount of BP while breezing killers because they simply don't escape. So you can still get god tier survivors running inexperienced killers. Not so much the other way since two kills as a killer raises MMR I am led to believe. Unless a killer tries super hard not to get more than two kills.

    Back with the old emblem system people had a much harder time abusing it since they would have to near enough do nothing or get absolutely decimated to get a low rank.

    I'm not one that cares too much over ranks or MMR as long as I am not getting the equivalent of bots in my games and decent queue times. Which at the moment you can even at high MMR because you get those forever angry about anything survivors that if you don't go down for them or save them in 0.1 seconds while taking 9million hits from the killer they will just hide all game to get hatch.

    All in all this isn't even the definition of SBMM it is just a system that is holding score of two factors and two factors isn't enough data to measure a survivors or killers skill. Being immersed all game and waiting for your buddies to do all the work isn't skilful nor is facecamping two survivors in the basement as bubba.

    Unfortunately when BHVR digs its heals in it causes certain people in the community to prove their point which negatively impacts everyone else's experience.

    I would for now hit the kill switch on SBMM take it back to the drawing board. Keep the grade system because getting 1 to 2 million BP a month makes that grind easier for perks. Then do what they did with hit validation just run tests and make a slightly more sophisticated system that is taking note of more than just "did killer/survivor do this one thing"

  6. I literally get scared to play this game atm playing survivor is the worst thing ever the survs I get are the worst survivors ever they never do the objective they go down 10 seconds into the chase every pallet on the map gets thrown or camped for no reason and it resorts in the same boring experience over and over, then killer loading times are laughable just to get in a match with a 4 man 4 flashlight comp swf with probz looping skills lol this game is mad

  7. People argue against this, but at the end of the day, the original system was the best, as generally [Time Invested -> Experience Gained -> Skill Level] and thus [Time Invested -> Skill Level]

  8. I swear today i was being chased for 3 gens i did 2 gens prior i unhooked and had 4 stacks of WGTLF and i died at the end and 3 got out but i had like 3k bp for survival but was hooked once like huh? Im confused

  9. I don’t mind the difficult games either, I agree with you there. I like the games where, as a survivor, we’re all on second hook with one gen left trying to make it out by the skin of our teeth. The only problem is I never get to do that, unless I’m with a SWF or I just get lucky. With SBMM I run into a lot of uneven pairings wether it be really bad teammates and an experienced killer, or all of us are high rank and the killer is BRAND new (I’m talking one or two perks, totally unfair). It’s games like those (baby killer vs good survivors) where I don’t blame killers for using noed, tunneling, or camping. The game is basically guaranteeing killers don’t have fun unless they use meta perks or camp/tunnel. They need to balance.

  10. What makes me upset. Is he basically calls all the stuff you do in game pointless. He is making it purely from the perspective. Did you get out? Then you're super duper skillful even if you hid in a locker most of the game! You survived yay! Confetti sounds Rather, did you loop the killer? Did you effectively save your teammates, did you heal them? Did you get generators done? MMR is based on skill, not did you live or not, because bad players can still escape.

    Just like bad killers or killers learning can go against bad teams, pip up because of the stupid kill = good system and they get punished by getting put against amazing players. Sure it can be a humbling learning experience but that can also be frustrating, to go from one ranking of your level, or worst just to be sudden smacked by people who can loop you all game. Its one thing where you learn and take that into your next match, its something else entirely when you can't even process what went wrong, how the survivors did what they did. You're just left fumbling.

    Their whole MMR system is excuse my french, dogshit, and they really need to focus on improving it so both casual and regular players can actually enjoy the game to an even extent again. I wouldn't personally mind going without a new killer/survivor for a bit so they could fix their stuff, but I doubt they will at this point.

  11. "too much nuance" they have a system that judges that nuance already (Emblems)

    Chases, the longer the chase the more points accrued bonus points for escaping a chase.
    Altruism, blocking for an injured survivor | pallet/flashlight save | unhooking.
    Objective, total percentage progression on generators free bonus for all 5 generators completed.
    Survival, surviving for X amount of time | escaping | bonus for never being caught.

    Chases, the shorter the chase the more points accrued.
    Brutality, injuring survivors and keeping them injured preventing them from helping each other.
    Gatekeeper, preventing generators from being completed.
    Sacrifice, hooking all survivors at least once | sacrificing all survivors.

    Survivor Note: Survivors have to at minimum complete 190% (165% if all generators are completed) of a generator (regression allows all survivors to achieve this) have unhooked at least 1 survivor safely had 4 chases of 45s or longer escape the trial.

    Killer Note: Killers have to at minimum have hooked all survivors at least once and have 9 hooks total with 3 sacrifices prevent the last 2 generators from being completed for at least 6 minutes end the trial with the gates closed have chased/hit survivors for a minimum of 32 times (less if chases are quick sub 15s)

    OP Note: Killers objectives are far harder to complete than Survivors, the time constraint and strict measures (perks) you need to comply with in order to do well have been oversimplified to KILLS = SKILL negating 3/4 of the gameplay as the killer, relaxing those measures would, in turn, make the game more fun for both sides.

    TLDR: too much burden has been placed on the killer making survivor the more relaxing side to play and causing killers to use malicious tactics.

  12. "its too much nuance to give you an effective system"

    ok so why do we have an emblem system that already takes into account all the nuance that happened in game? i mean even that isnt perfect; i still lose when i get face camped through no fault of my own, but its better than "K I L L S = S K I L L"

    tbh i dont have a problem with challenging games too. i can go into a session, get a 4k in my first game, and reasonably expect my next game to be difficult. if i do better than a 2k, then i rinse and repeat until i dont. unfortunately, the opposite is not true. if i get a 0k, either by getting bullied or purposefully letting them leave (because it doesnt account for the nuance, right?), i still cant reasonable predict the next game to be easier. its taken multiple games of intentional 0-1ks to get predictable bot lobbies, and even then i will randomly get 4 man bully squads. sbmm in a nutshell, in every game but especially in dbd: killers get punished for doing well and not rewarded at the same rate for doing poorly.

  13. With how the game is designed it doesn't make too much sense to put everything on kills/escapes. If the devs want the game to be focused around kills/escapes and not hooks/chases then they should put in the work and mold their game accordingly. Instead the devs just unnaturally force in killing/escaping centralized mmr as though that does the job…

  14. I feel the emblem system was better than the kills/escapes system but the emblem system was also flawed. Under both systems a survivor that is facecamped by leatherface in the first hook and dies for it loses rank. How is that fair you are basically losing rank because you were found first. The core problem to me is the player base on at any given time some days it feels as though there are more top level survivors on and other days there are more top level killers on generally I find in an evening if the first couple of games are tough then 90% of the following games are tough and the same if the first couple of games are easy. Even under the old system at red ranks you were consistently getting matched with purple/green ranks indicating there just isn’t enough players online at any given time.

  15. "This is not a healthy game"

    Couldnt have said it better.

    But honestly at this point- I wouldn't even be sad if the game died down. The devs had plenty of years to fix things and come up with new mechanics, systems and the such. It's starting to get really old at how little the devs/company give a shit about their playerbase. The company itself just very money focused. They need some sort pf wake up call.

  16. the best way to enjoy dbd is to ignore your MMR as killer, since is pointless, MMR works for survivors, since you need teamates of your level to play with, but escaping does not mean they are at your level, a skill play usually leads to escapes, yes, but being beaten by a NURSE, does not make your play Unskilled, its a fking Nurse, you cant outskill her, and you get punished because the killer is a good nurse?

  17. Hope BHVR get's their head outta their bum and realize their ruining their own game. Just look at the player numbers, they've dropped to 20k daily players on Steam.
    From 50k to 20k… Isn't that obvious enough that what their doing isn't working? Releasing new content won't save them from this, I'm disappointed they don't notice and just desperately try to push more & more content and more & more cosmetics instead of working on the CORE game…

  18. Old rank system was supposed to match you with people of same or close to your rank, like red ranks with red or purple, purple with red/purple/green. Which obviously didn't work, because you almost always had rainbow lobby matches. So in my opinion the old system was worse than what we got now. (And I don't saying that SBMM is good, its crap.)

  19. As long as this jackass is running the show, it will NEVER change. Either get used to it or quit the game like I did. This is most likely the final nail in the coffin for this game. It is just a matter of time before it all becomes a broken, buggy mess full of hackers. Oh, wait…………

  20. MMR might as well not be there in its current state. I honestly don't notice it at all.

    All it does is make people paranoid, because people are petrified of loosing invisible MMR points they trick themselves into playing in unfun ways.

    That OR no one actually cares about MMR but they're afraid everyone else is so they feel like they have to play the same meta way every time.

    I'm ignoring MMR entirely. The system does not work as well as people think it does. Like I said in its current form it's worthless. May as well not even be there. The difficulty of games is even more random now than the old system.


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