Scott Finally Looks at the Dev Q&A; It goes as Expected – Dead by Daylight

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Sorry I’ve been sick. Haven’t done much content creation this past week. Finally back into things.
Also watched was Otz’s take on the subject seen here:


32 thoughts on “Scott Finally Looks at the Dev Q&A; It goes as Expected – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Simple ping system would be a great idea. The HUD is a great improvement but not perfect, so many situations that don't account for when it doesn't actually help. You're repairing, someone is hooked, one person is healing themselves, and the last one is not in chase. They're going for the unhook, right? Oh, they ran into the huntress on the way there and are running away, but the huntress is following and throwing hatchets at them from further than chase range. SWF could communicate that info, the HUD doesn't.

  2. As a top 1% Dead by Daylight player , You guys are a literally speaking gibberish , All you have to do is run this build and you will win every match
    *Desperate measures , Resilience, Self care, botany knowledge*, I don't need To know where my Teammates are at or what builds They are running I only need to keep My eyes on the killer , I know that you guys are content Makers, so you love the sound of your own voice , But you guys are just speaking total gibberish and not making any sense, so Stop being babies and just get good at the game, I don't need 10,000 hours in gameplay To learn how to Correctly hold W , I literally can Play another game at the same time while playing Dead by Daylight Because Dead By Daylight is such a easy game , So stop being a joke or I was slap the he!l out of all of you
    This comment is not hate speech so F off YouTube

  3. 1:18:20 I think the point of the bubble is to signify that an objective has been done. The loud sound queue can signify it has been done but not really where, if you're in the middle of a chase. The visual queue is a "no matter what you're doing, you should know this is done" kind of thing. Probably shouldn't be as invasive and obstructive, but I think it serves a pretty big purpose.

  4. 13:20 yea, normal player got it, but ppl on soloq cant read the hud :')
    24:18 so untrue sadly. most people from my experience kill themselves on hook because its the first hook and its their hook lmao
    27:05 just after 30 second on first hook survivor could get points for survival or altruistic, so it means 2 attempts to unhook yourself wouldnt give you that. It probably wouldnt change a lot, but I think the most issue is that bhvr says "yea we know and we think about it but thats not in our plans for next years" lol. Trying to improve your game>Doing nothing – and I think thats the whole point Otzdarva meant. OR like Otz said – bot replacement. If someone imidiatelly tries to unhook themselves on hook without any luck perks/offerings – after 2 attempts this player is replaced by a bot.
    30:00 imo Otzdarva kinda burned out and this q&a was a spark. He was patient longer than anyone of us tbh 😅

  5. Also, Scott would be a great BHVR developer, he's as paralyzed by indecisiveness as BHVR is. You have to take chances to fix problems, or they just exist eternally, like all the unfun problems with DBD. Here are the solutions

    1. Rework Dull Merchant
    2. Rework Nurse's teleport power
    3. Rework Blight add-ons
    4. Emote-Wheel for Solo-queue to do shout-outs
    5. Reduce perk slots for the more players you have in an SWF. 3 perk slots for a 3-man SWF, 2 perk slots for a 4-man SWF.
    6. 3-gen – Make maps slightly bigger than Coal Tower and spread out gens more. The BHVR developers reduced maps, which is good, but they reduced them too much which makes 3-gens a problem.
    7. Remove built in Borrowed Times, it does shit for people off the hook and replace it with built in 3 sec Decisive Strike that doesn't work at EGC.

    There's the fixes for all the very horrible unfun mechanics that are running off new players and solo-queue players.

    This game, like Starcraft 2, is why you don't only listen to comp players, they suck the fun out of games worse than leeches. You have to consider what is "fun" for the majority of player not JUST what is balanced. There's so many perk that are absolutely useless for non-comp players, because they are so hard to use with all these stupid requirement that they might as well not even exist for the rest of the player base. Dead-Hard and MFT are perfect of examples of changing perks so only comp-players can use them effectively and screw everyone else.

  6. SWF vs Solo: There's plenty that can be done. The main issue is people come at this problem from the wrong angle. The goal doesn't have to be "make solo exactly like swf". Firstly, that's not possible, because as mentioned many times, there's different types. From comp teams, to sand bag games (most of which are somewhere in the middle). You have different mixtures of 2|3|4 player swf groups some of which are mixed with solo. It's way too complex to make solo just like swf.

    Instead just look at the numbers (this is what BHVR relies on anyway) and adjust unique solo buffs until the numbers roughly match. For instance, if solo had 5 perk slots, that would buff them up (likely too much), but the point is the same. There are tons of ways to buffing up one side. All you have to do is play around with the buff until the numbers roughly match. You might think, but that's not the same as swf, now they're different, but DBD is already an asymmetric game; what's the issue if swf and solo felt a little different too. In fact this could remove some staleness from the game because now there's almost a 3rd mode of play (depending on the buff).

    While many of the below ideas are probably crap, they help explain the point that the buff doesn't need to be related to swf. Any idea will work as long as it brings the survival rate of solo near that of swf.

    Solo only buff Ideas:
    * extra perk slot that can only be used for (one of) aura reading, healing, exhaustion
    * this requires each perk to be gone through and have the above attribute tags be assigned so that the game logic can work for this (not hard)
    * changes to the loadout screen and end game screen to account for the 5th perk (takes some time but doable)
    * a ping every 30-60 seconds (random within range) that tells you where the other survivors are
    * this gives you random knowledge of where other survivors are throughout the match.
    * the ping is so short that you'd only get an idea of where they are vs aura ready which is more precise knowledge
    * start the match with 10 seconds of team aura reading
    * start the match with 5 seconds of killer aura ready
    * start the match knowing who the killer is
    * literally anything

  7. Otz’s problem doesn’t seem to be that BHVR isn’t offering effective solutions for these problems that he’s identifying, the problem is that BHVR recognizes problems and has just accepted them. The lack of ambition isn’t that they can’t find a solution to issues, it’s that they are openly not even trying to solve problems. That’s the lack of ambition. Otz’s inability to come up with an immediately perfect solution to the SWF/solo gap or players killing themselves on hook isn’t a knock against his point, because the devs could still try bad solutions to at least see if they can work.

  8. DC and Killing Self on Hook: Make honorable DCs and Killing Self on Hook (KoH) allowed and dishonorable DCs have a penalty.

    When DC'ing or KoH in a scenario that's not deemed reasonable will be marked as dishonorable and you get imposed with a penalty. If it's an honorable one, then no penalty and you can leave when you want at your discretion.

    For future brevity I'll only mention DC, but it stands for both DC and KoH.

    Allowing DC'ing to happen whenever is bad because some people jump on internet band wagons too much (because it's just too hard to think for yourself) and therefore punish killers or survivors because other people do. I'm sure not everyone hates going vs knight vs skull merchant vs twins vs spirit vs nurse vs basically any killer or even vs 4 medkit survivors or vs 4 toolbox survivors. Allowing all DCs makes it so that if people who enjoy those killers can't play the game. They paid for the game and likely more for that killer's DLC. Not allowing them to play is not fair (playing against bots doesn't count as that's not the intent of the game). However, that doesn't mean that all DCs are created equal.

    Dishonorable DCs should have a rolling window to determine the frequency of dishonorable DCs, so that the penalty increases overtime. This is to account for people becoming more and more upset with the game in the moment (being a bad loser, dealing with poor teammates, rude killers, etc.) when this happens you aren't going to be a good teammate anyway, so probably best to just go cool off for a bit. The goal shouldn't be to try and make people play DBD for as much as they possibly can. Instead you want them to have a good experience, so they come back, invite friends, potentially join the various DBD communities, etc. One way to ensure that people are having a good time with the game is to help them stop playing when they are having a bad time. The increase in penalty will do just that. Dishonorable DCs are more likely to happen when the player is upset, so just stop playing for a bit. To prevent people from taking advantage of the free first DC (because of course people will) then you can calculate a per person average DC rate vs games played ratio that lasts for many games (the storage can be small as you are just recording whether they DC'ed or not over a window of games played; this can be encoded as bits within an 8 byte sequence to record the previous 64 games, spending 8 bytes per player is very small storage; could even double it to go to 128 games if needed).

    Where things go wrong with DC penalties is when the DC is justified. People shouldn't have to wait out being slugged on purpose. People shouldn't have to play a game that is stalled out (15+ min with 3-gen set up). It would be better to have these scenarios solved for the game, but that's not happening, so let's move on to another solution. Instead, let's list out the scenarios that are bad and make it so that survivors can do an Honorable DC. The same goes for killers when they are in similar scenarios. When making an honorable DC, you just go to end screen. You still get bloodpoints, can still complete dailies, etc. just as if you had completed the game normally. If the killer does an honorable DC then all players move to the end game screen like normal.

    Example Honorable DCs (likely more than just what is listed here):
    * [survivor] slugged for more than 30 continuous seconds
    * if the killer or your friends aren't picking you up (with no healing action either), then you may DC without penalty. This doesn't means you have to, just that you can at your discretion.
    * [survivor | killer] no gen has completed and no player has been hooked for more than 4 minutes when 3 or 4 gens remain.
    * [survivor | killer] total game time is 15 minute or more
    * I don't know the average game time, so likely that number needs adjusting
    * [killer] both exit gates are open and no hits on survivor in the last 2 min
    * With MMR being what it is, sometimes you get rude survivors that don't leave and just want to taunt the killer. The killer should be allowed to admit when the game is lost without penalty. This doesn't apply to most streamers as they are too good to be in this scenario, but for killers who play this game rarely, they don't know enough not to be taken advantage of

  9. Make it so you can't kill yourself on hook for the first 5 minutes?

    Gives you the ability to opt out of those 40 min skull merchant situations, and also prevents people from just being like "I got downed first and have deliverance. I'm out." without them eating the penalty.

  10. low priority q would be nice for people dc'ing or killing themself on hook because if u get put in that q you as against people with missarable expiriences meaning they know they should change their playstyle or realise dbd is not for them

  11. Regarding researching the HUD, the game itself doesn't do anything regarding explaining it to new players. I checked the tutorial and the Game Manual in the Getting Started section. I may have missed it, but if I don't see it in the Getting Started section then I have no idea where it will be.

  12. When it comes to killing oneself on hook, there is only a single thing that can be realisticly be done. That is remove the ability to kill themselves period. Survivors would have 3 chances to escape on Hook 1, and a new system would need to be done for hook stage 2. Maybe make skill checks harder, but each success raises the escape bar from auto camping one. But make it so that it can only build say 50% on their own, so they can contribute to their own escape. This way if a teammate comes and saves, they will have the same time unless its manipulated through perks. I am not saying this written like this would be the solution, but there is no other way to fix it then remove it as a option period.


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