3VS1 HUNTRESS! – Dead by Daylight!

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tru3ta1ent


13 thoughts on “3VS1 HUNTRESS! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. This MMR has been a nightmare, desperate killers, slugging, face camping, tunneling plus hitting and being toxic just because you’re looping them. These will be games back to back too. Smh. The Dbd community has been spoiled.

  2. Hey true! It’s the girlfriend 🙂 I recently had my account get all of my boyfriends progress which is almost 2k hours and I’m only at 200 hours. Which most people would love but I want to earn everything I have. So DBD finally responded and fixed it! Watching your videos is the only DBD thing I’ve been doing since it happened, so thank you for keeping me into the game while everything was being sorted true! <3

  3. I looped a pig for 5 gens on haddonfield fairly easily.

    It doesn’t help every tile on that map is safe and she should’ve given up sooner but seriously.

    No one should be able to loop for 5 gens that easily.
    It’s not that she didn’t catch me because she was bad she didn’t catch me because the whole map is a safe zone.

  4. My hunch is the devs most likely made the MMR system based around kills and escapes. I can't even play the way I enjoy playing which was hooking every survivor and just being chill I now have to tunnel, slug, and proxy camp hooks just to get kills before the survivors rush the gens. I am p3ing my pinhead so I don't even have good perks to slow down the gen rush, I've just been using his 2 main perks mostly combined with some weaker gen protection like surge and then I just slapped on BBQ for more points to hopefully get better perks quicker.

    I honestly don't find it enjoyable at all because I was never about kills in the first place, just hooks and going for as many as possible because I enjoy that type of playstyle and I have to actually try a lot harder in my matches and it just feels like straight torture


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