Scott Watches the Dead by Daylight Anniversary Stream

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My headset broke last night so I couldn’t really play anything, so I decided to watch the DBD Anniversary Stream instead. I’ll probably start doing 50/50 Elden Ring and Dead by Daylight starting in a month or so.


40 thoughts on “Scott Watches the Dead by Daylight Anniversary Stream”

  1. I honestly could not care less for DBD, I stopped playing probably a year ago but I continued watching you and otz, since ER came out I've stopped watching otz's DBD stuff and I have no intention of ever thinking about DBD again in my life

  2. I can't wait for you to come back to DBD. I haven't watched you play Elden Ring only cause I want to go in completely blind when I do play it, so it'll be nice to watch you stream again 🙂

  3. hex:self-care is in every match when I play on asian servers, it's like my teammates go on 30 sec cooldown whenever they get hit, smh

  4. I love this video, but once Scott learned about the bots and asking how people got the source code for them I… kind of died inside as a TF2 and DBD player. Otherwise, great vid.

  5. Scott, regarding the split between ER and DBD I think there will be some sort of natural balance. When a new big patch/dlc for ER comes out, you'll probably play ER more than DBD and vice versa with DBD when a new killer drops etc. I've been enjoying your ER just as much as your DBD but I do miss DBD from time to time.
    At the end of the day you are playing so you decide what's up xD

  6. Dbd does the same thing google did with youtube way back when, where they kept changing the ui, everybody hated it, after a while everyone got used to it, then they immediately changed it again, pissing everyone off and repeating the cycle again

  7. killer q's are garbage in eastern europe in the 2 years i've played between 3third and 5th Anniversary (i stopped since) i can count on my fingers the amount q's that where shorter than 20 minutes and the few times i have played since i have not noticed any difference

  8. DEAD By Daylight trash in general the game has terrible graphic & performance for PC I have decent high End PC this game poorly optimized & BHVR so lazy making another game with higher performance.


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