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This survivor’s lore says that she’s actually secretly evil in Dead By Daylight. Yun-Jin Lee has one of the most interesting lore passages from the survivors. Apparently she was so determined to keep her career that she helped to create the Trickster.
#dbd #deadbydaylightsurvivor #dbdshorts
I'd still consider her a monster
And some people still find a way to defend her 🤮
She… "Looks innocent" to you? Cuz like… She looks like a greedy corpo from cyberpunk
My favorite
Nawh James Sunderland the legendary skin for Cheryl is like kind of worse because of the „pillow incident”
Wait no but she serves in her cosmetics:( I guess I support women’s wrongs
Her lore is misunderstood. She didn’t create trickster, in the tome lore (often viewed as the more official one rather than splash text backstory that comes with every survivor) Trickster was always evil, killing small animals often. Ying didn’t exactly make trickster as more rather let him get away with stuff because she feared him, not to mention it was speculation she had until one murder was done and she noticed trickster’s plan from an item he left behind (in the tome, we see she figures out it was him and it appears to be the first time she finds out)
I think Yun-Jin easily has the best, most fleshed out lore in the game and feels the most “human” to me. Like, people scream “She knew! She knew he was a murderer!” but realistically, she has a very natural response to the knowledge of finding out Ji-Woon is a murderer. She denies it and chalks it up to her being overworked, which is what most people would do if they found out that someone close to them might be a murderer. It’s literally a defense mechanism that our brains have.
If anyone watches her Tome she initially does take action to stop him. She tried to chase him down, only to get a text saying “HELP” that confuses her and makes her think Trickster is the one in danger. Then she doubts him again once she finds his knife in the warehouse. I think at the end of her lore it says something like “how could I have been so stupid and not connected the dots”.
At the end of the day she had no involvement with the murders, she didn’t really do anything intentionally wrong because she acted like a normal human person would when confronted with the idea that someone she thinks she knows is a murderer: disbelief and denial.
The DBD community loves to act like Yun-Jin was in on it and covering for him, or that it was all on her to stop Trickster and bring him to justice, and they get so wrapped up in the idea that they treat her as a villain worse than the killer she's paired with, instead of the flawed and somewhat sympathetic character she actually is.
Idk, she doesn't look innocent 😂 she looks like a scummy music manager. One of those managers that's really hot and have connections, so they get away with being negligent.
“She may look innocent” shows a literal rat like person on my screen
Even smash hit is directly harming another for her own benefit
I got fast track during chaos shuffle and ngl it is very useful if you stack a lot of tokens and then hit the great skill check later in game trying to finish generators.
and that's how nea is not a killer
Did you read her Tome lore? Yk, the one that actually goes into HOW TRICKSTER QUITE LITERALLY GASLIT HER
People think she's evil when you can literally play as a CIA agent.
You ever think about how Bill has a higher kill count than 90% of the killers
Legendary trickster skin is Un Jin but with the tricksters style of clothing
One could say smash hit alsp plays into her own self greed
As she is using pallets for her advange a resource that is limited and her team also needs, and she uses it for her own gains
Nah I'd say that being a war criminal makes you more evil than Yun-Jin
Smash hit is also selfish, I ther survivors don’t use resources for exhaustion. But she has to burn resources in order to save herself
“Look innocent on the surface”
Yun: 👿
innocent with that bitch face? absolutely not and i love her for that, mother!!
I love her because we haven't seen anyone else in the realm who blatantly cares for themselves over absolute strangers, In a realm like this I'd be exactly like her because of how untrustworthy & awful people can be.
P100 yun-jin lee 😂
I do play diversely when playing survivor but she's the I play as most soooo……… :3
Didn't need to add anything but "Helped create The Trickster" and everyone already agreed that she's a prick. Lol
Legion is most fun killer
Remember that thing we learn in school about bullying? "Don't stay quiet" maybe she shouldn't have, because of her we have one of the most annoying killers to fight
Kid named sable:
Kid named meg:
Kid named sable:
Nea the most evil survivir in dbd
I love Yun Jin but her lore and perks make it clear that she's not a Saint. She's a survivor. The games lore is intended to capture the personality types common to the horror franchise and she's definitely the character who when on screen, people yell, " you b*itch!" at the the movie. But don't let that stop you from loving her like I do lol. Horror stuff is meant to be entertaining and its nice to imagine the rest of characters depth when you can with storys that lack a complete background. Persoanlly, I think she's meant to be "that" character. Beautiful but selfish.
She's just a human
Smash hit is not helpful
She's not evil, she literally didn't know if trickster was a killer or not, and her upbringing being hard with no one to rely on is perfect for her perks or sm idk her lore that much 😗
Yun Jin is quite actually my least favorite survivor because of how well her lore was
we forget about nea?
bruh I never seen her look that evil before. I think she looks more tame with other hair colours.
That’s really cool lore ngl