Should SWF be Shown in the End Game Screen? – Dead by Daylight

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In this video I’ll discuss the benifits to adding Survive with Friends in the post-game screen. Likewise I’ll also be talking about why adding it to the pre-game lobby would be disastrous for DBD, and much more. Will BHVR take such overwhelming consensus into consideration?

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33 thoughts on “Should SWF be Shown in the End Game Screen? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I’m 100% for a mechanic to reveal SWFs post game Although the critique of toxic survs and killers will happen to be honest that would’ve happen regardless if they added a small icon or not.
    I almost always only play dbd with 2 good friends they both have more hours then me but their overall skill in risky situations is lacking and one of them is quite toxic when certain events happen the usual suspects of course “nurse takes no skill, bubba takes no skill” you get the idea. So it would be interesting to see how the killer being able to call out bad play on our parts will affect them I have a likely suspicion they’ll quite playing but hey anything can happen.
    I also just think it would be neat because when I play killer I have a deep seeded mentality that there’s at least 2 people playing together and it would be cool to see if anyone were actually teaming not to be like “ha I’m better” but just honest interest maybe see how it affected their gameplay.

  2. It would just be nice to know in end game. I feel like I can tell due to the spike in altruism that swfs have coupled with their innate ability to work on 3 gens at the same time efficiency. But it would be nice to tell the nea solo that they ran better than the 3 man they got paired with or give real props knowing the 1 PC player was part of the 4 man so they can see what I'm telling them.

  3. "The vast majority of SWFs aren't that bad"
    Well, thats where you are wrong. 😀
    Tbh, this change wouldn't do much, I think. It wouldn't fix the actual problem of how at times unfair the SWF feature makes them game. The game is not designed nor balanced about survivors having the possibility to communicate. And in therms of ego check? Nah. People would still inflate their ego.

  4. I wouldn't mind it since I'm a solo player. The only "clues" I have to deduce if I'm playing with a SWF is if there's two or more cross-play symbols next to my teammates names, if they have similar default cosmetic pieces, three of the same item or character, and connected names. Still, I can never be sure, and since everyone uses the same 5 perks these days there can always be the argument that solo teams are just SWF but less communicative. I feel bad too when I end up saving someone who's an ass to the killer even when they give up.

  5. they should just show it before the game began, other survivors see it so that they know they are the only solo survivor and the killer sees it too. then its open up to the killer if he wants to play it or not

  6. After a video, what I got : imagine thinking a lot about just because players will be toxic no matter what
    Dbd has an extremely toxic Fandom and that's what makes me left the game in the first place
    Players use every tiny excuse to be like that
    Like, I really gasped at the criticisms about showing sfw in post game, good lord.
    The current state of the game it's fine, but the players are not and will never will anytime soon.

    Edit : a word

  7. When i play solo survivor i run perks that will buff everyone else like, well make it, prove thy and im always super alruistic, i understand not every survivor solo is like this but for me a 1/2 man out isnt a win for me personally, even if i escape im always trying to get everyone out, solos are always unpredictable, but over the space of a game as killer, normally you can realise what a teams approach too the match is, whether there trying to flash set up for saves, gen rush together, or play break out etc, sometimes i feel a random altruistic solo with a 3 team SWF can be interesting and difficult to deal with if they have some strong or unexpected perks.
    I deffo feel there should be someway to identify if a team is a team or not, and to dodge all the hate from survivor teams, maybe a seperate solo mode really would be the best choice

  8. Everyone likes to talk about "sweaty coordinated sfw" but no one ever talks about "playing for lulz swf" who will let friend die on hook because he missed the skillcheck at the start of the match or called you a bitch.
    I mean thats how me and my friends play usually.

  9. you should only be able to see after the match if there were any grouped up survivors. Although its already pretty easy to know if their a swif or not before a match starts.

  10. I know it might be a nice feature to have for the average player, I put no personally because I just don't want the endgame chat to have an even greater chance of being toxic than it already has.

    I personally have over 2k hours but I play with a lot of people who have significantly less (sometimes less than 100) just because I wanna play the game for fun with my friends, and I wouldn't personally want my SWF status shown to a killer just for them to try to make me and my friends feel bad for wanting to play together. I don't really think "that end game chat was probably going to be toxic anyway" is a fair counterpoint either, because everybody has different experiences. Yea of course there's going to be a good chance that at least one of five players will be toxic, sure, but I'd rather take what feels like a 50/50 currently rather than giving myself a 90% chance of getting trash talked just because I'm in a SWF.

    Like I said, I get that for the average player seeing SWF might be kinda nice, but really I don't think it's so vital to somebody's gameplay experience that it's a must have. I've played DbD all this time and have not once wondered if somebody was in a SWF because that never really matters to me. I don't see how this can be implemented off the top of my head without somehow bringing unnecessary attention to people just trying to play with their friends. Choy even admits that a majority of people in SWF are just that: friends trying to have some fun together.

  11. personally I don't care but it would be funny knowing the many people who have to protect their ego by convincing themselves "they were totally a 4 stack on comms, that's why I lost" would have to face the fact they just lost to 4 solos lol

  12. SWF or Solo. It doesn't much matter to me personally. They can Gen rush me and peace out without me seeing, and I wouldn't mind, I got out played. It's the Toxic players that I wish ( I know we cannot sadly ) we could fix. I wish it was a minority of the player base, but I seem to run into them often. That's the only aspect of DBD that sometimes makes me feel like why did I start playing. I am still fairly new aswell ( 2 – 3 Months)

  13. I don't see how this would be beneficial to either side. As a killer main I occasionally play survivor with viewers and it would show we were a swf even though most of the time it is just random people. Or you occasionally play with a friend or two who will invite some other person to fill out the team and if you get someone who you don't know who is salty and toxic you get lumped in to that with them. This game needs less toxicity not something that will make it moreso.

  14. I have between 500 and 600 hours in this game (been playing since Halloween 2021 and not daily.) When I play as killer, which is probably around 200ish of those hours, I can usually tell who was and was not swfing just in the pregame lobby and the offerings alone. And if I couldn't tell, I usually can quickly during the match just by seeing the level of coordination, and which ones have it and don't.

    I don't have a very high MMR on most killers, mostly because I only play certain killers unless I have a daily. And I'm also not some cracked killer main god who 4 k's every match I play. So usually, I end up against not super high MMR survivors. (Though I do on some killers I play, and that's okay.) But what I usually see most often is 2 or 3 generic looking default characters free with the game, then some highly cosmeticed survivor next to baby Meg with their flashlight and they bring a white ward or a petrified oak while everyone else is bringing mist offerings or brown BP offerings. I think the issue in this game is less knowing who is swfing and more who is allowed to swf with who, and why is a killer with maybe 100 or so hours as a variety of killers playing a killer they don't main or aren't super skilled with allowed to face 20 hour Dwight and his 4k hour friend playing toxic loop for 5 gens Jane ready to head on you at every loop? How do they calculate that shit? I'm not even trying to smurf, I'd rather face off against 4 equally good survivors even if they aren't all playing fully immersive. I'm just saying I shouldn't be up against a baby survivor I can catch in seconds AND his friend who thinks he's comp and takes minutes to catch during my second game as a killer I have 2 perks on. Because if I have to get pressure, and tunnel out baby Dwight, then I'm the bad guy for not chasing clicky clicky for 8 gens only to be greeted at the gate by a few hundred clicks and tbags.

  15. 6:01 please stop stop lying swf do not have a near granted win every game its more like every 5-20 games even then thats cause the killer just started with all the gens taking 450s (5×90) and all the gen slow down perks it will never be a guaranteed win every game


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