Showcasing Pinhead's weirdest add-on… | Dead by Daylight

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This video showcases one of the two add-ons that increases the turning rate of your possessed chains, which gives you greater control over the chain. While I did try to highlight some of its strengths, you’ll also see why these add-ons are not particularly strong (even when you stack them together).

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


47 thoughts on “Showcasing Pinhead's weirdest add-on… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Also explained in this video (useful info for Pinhead players):
    – Why PH is hard to play with high ping
    – Why chains are hard to control
    – Rough summary of how the cube spawns.
    – How speed correlates to number of chains.
    – Ideal way to use chains at loops.
    – Why Fixated/Self-aware counters Pinhead.

  2. OtzOtz, I feel like in this meta I can't keep us as Killer without strong add ons and violent tunneling. I'm at roughly 2500 hours and have been playing since Huntress and have never struggled this hard and really don't know why. Even using the strongest killers at their full meta, it's just not enough. What do I do?

  3. I think that Hoarder/Franklins Pinhead is the most frustrating killer in DBD to play against, even more than thana/pentimeno legion. I'd rather play against a nurse or blight with disgusting builds then play thana/pentimento legion back to back, than deal with this shit. If the pinhead has range and box slowdown addons with those two perks it becomes nearly impossible to stop the pinhead from constantly getting chainhunts. Then when you get hit (because the pinhead is hyperfocused on you doing the box) you now have to do a chase during a chainhunt. It just becomes a super unfun cycle of constant chainhunts blocking you from being able to do anything, and the pinhead preventing anybody from being able to complete the box. Stack plaything and pentimento on top of that and you just have a super frustrating experience where

    -You cannot do any actions because the chainhunt is consistently blocking you
    -The pinhead is constantly cockblocking anybody from doing the box, so the entire game is chainhunts

    -The pinhead either has no terror radius and is constantly jumpscaring injured survivors (because you cannot heal), or they cleanse totems and now gens are 30% slower with an active chainhunt
    -All of your chases are super short because you're losing distance to chains
    – Hiding is useless because the pinhead can hear the chains spawning, so he also has information on top of this.

    The only counterplay is to hope the pinhead guesses the spawn location of the box wrong and is far enough away so that he cannot stop the box from being completed. Once he sees the survivor with the box and successfully stops them from completing the box, the entire game is nearly guaranteed chainhunts. If the only counterplay is to hope the killer is on the other edge of the map or makes a critical mistake it needs to be looked at.

  4. I played with Pinhead a lot. His Lament Configuration is amazing. But his chains ability and like 12 out of 20 addons are garbage. And the developer's which Otz is in love with will never fix this issue. And that's makes me really sad.

  5. So a fun combo similar to this is using chatterers tooth and dead man’s switch, so you run to the other side of the map with agi and Starstruck everyone, then you solve the box and kick everyone off gens with dead man’s, and you run around undetectable for 25 seconds while everyone is exposed!

  6. That Claudette STILL had her DS even after you hooked the Mikaela is crazy. Like, good that you went ahead and forced her to use it to remove it from the game, but IMO it should deactivate if you hook someone else.

  7. I LOVE Pinhead. Hellraiser is one of my favorite Horror movies. As it was the very first Horror movies I saw as a kid at the age of 5! So I was SUPER excited when he was teased & revealed for DBD, however I felt really unsure if I was gonna like playing him due to his chain ability, specifically controlling it. I play on console and just could never feel comfortable seriously playing Killers like Billy, Nurse & Deathslinger due to how it feels to aim with a controller. Thankfully DBD content creators made aware that dropping the portal onto of Survivors allows for a chain to almost 100% hit, that one bit of info quickly alleviated my fears of playing Pinhead.

    As the early stuff people kept going for long hits or trick shots and the control looked AWFUL and made me go "if these ppl who play thousands of hours more than I, play better etc are having difficulty….what kind of trouble am I gonna have?" Thank Leviathan that Pinhead feels absolutely fantastic to play as 😭

    As far as add-ons go, I just love using Larry's Remains and Torture Pillar as my main picks, Liquified Gore and Burning Candle if I'm out of the aforementioned Green add-ons.

  8. I still don't understand why Pinhead breaks his own chains. Artist can go through her crows, clown is not slow down by purple bottle. And so on, you get it. The only exception is Trapper (but yeah, he is outdated in every way so, not very surprising i guess). I would like a fix for that but i don't think they will change it


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