Shrine Showcase! Dragon's Grip & Thanataphobia | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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This week’s shrine showcase, we show off the 2 killer perks from the shrine of secrets, Dragon’s Grip and Thanataphobia. We throw these two perks together on a build and show what they do, and discuss whether or not they are worth spending your hard earned shards on.

Thumbnail render made by Niina! Check her out here​​

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40 thoughts on “Shrine Showcase! Dragon's Grip & Thanataphobia | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. Legion is definitely not a good choice to use dragons grip.

    He is designed to keep people injured and already has built in tracking too :p so other than the occasional scream 🤷‍♀️

  2. Corrupt Intervention on Legion? Not a bad choice, but it still somewhat hurts, since as a Legion, you WANT people to be in the corner of the map so that your first frenzy is REALLY good, but that's just me

  3. IM THE CHERYL LOL NOT NEW I went rank 4 to 10 that night bc bad games mostly randoms throwing and the pip system being broken too. I dead ass thought u were some legion using ur name that was nice and actually gave hatch after my millionth bad game lol I wake up to everyone telling me I’m on my way back to 20 ez and that I was in your video ayye was appreciated

  4. Hey Tofu your videos are great and very enjoyable but I would love you to crank up the bitrate of your videos, they get so blurry due to the fast camera movement sometimes and renders the video kinda hard to watch.

  5. I don’t think thanatophobia offsets dragons grip…. thana doesn’t slow down healing progression anymore so it doesn’t stop them from healing anymore. If anything thana makes people want to heal cause of the huge penalty. I think sloppy is a better combo with thana but 🤷🏼‍♂️

  6. What's depressing for me is every single gotdamn time I personally play legion the survivors spread out as if they each own a corner of the map and can't get near one another.

    I rarely if ever get to stab more than 1 survivor even with add-ons to increase my power duration.

  7. idea!!!
    What about Dragons Grip and trail of torment?? Loads of survivors whenever a killer has Trail will ALWAYS become greedy and will tap the gen and run to make you suffer the massive cooldown. So with this they'll see the highlighted gen and attempt to tap it, and then BAM!! Dragons Grip value BABY!

    I see this working on any killer who doesn't automatically possess stealth or one shot downs but I feel like this just screams Nurse for her fast mobility/map pressure and small size, that while undetectable or exposed is terrifying for survivors and is usually unexpected, and if you pair it with something like tinkerer (Optional, for if you wanna be a ninja nurse lol) you'll know exactly which gen to kick and travel about while undetectable and get loads of stealth plays while survivors will now think twice about touching your regressing gen. Not sure if it will work but I'd love to see you try this in game

  8. Dragon's Grip sounds good on paper, but in reality it's cooldown is too short and it lasts way too short on gen. I played a lot with it and getting ANY value out of it is hard.

    Edit: This Kate is so common of a trash player. Thinks she is the shit, but then falls for basic mind game and even misses ds. Guess someone was just not doing gens when old ruin was a thing.
    Weakness disgusts me 🙂

  9. Two questions here that hopefully someone can answer. I’m fairly new to DBD and I have never played as legion.

    1. When using legions frenzy, what’s stopping you from downing the guy you’ve already hit instead of going after other survivors?

    2. At the end looking for hatch, he mentioned something about an offering. What offering effects hatches?

  10. i think the true value of Dragon's Grip is from the notification. the exposed status is just to be sure the survivor will go down but even injured survivors will get in a bad position because of the scream


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