Skillcheck Skull Merchant is BRUTAL … And the Devs WANT You To Use This Build

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Skull Merchant has arrived to Dead by Daylight with little fanfare. But she snuck in with a surprisingly easy to use but devastatingly effective skill check build that punishes survivors for both healing and repairing generators. And the best part? It’s really, really easy to get. the addons are brown and yellow (the cheapest bloodpoints rate) and the perks for making it work are similarly pretty easy to acquire.

So we’re giving Skillcheck Skull Merchant a run, and we’ll see if the right build can make the killer most of the community deemed “unplayable” can actually succeed with such a basic strategy.

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Background Music:
Instrumental by Homage

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30 thoughts on “Skillcheck Skull Merchant is BRUTAL … And the Devs WANT You To Use This Build”

  1. Hello, and lovely day to all my fellow dbd enjoyers. I'm curious to hear what y'all think about this chapter. It's been getting heavily mixed reviews so far, but personally I'm liking it.

    Let it rip though I'd love to hear what y'all think. And thanks for watching!

  2. I feel like most people don't like this killer because she doesn't have a chase power. Not every killer needs to have a chase power. I agree she's not super exciting like Wesker or Blight but she's not completely unfun either. I'm all about not making an opinion on something until you try it and I played her myself and didn't think she was as bad as people are making her out to be.

  3. Definitely didn't know you could track the survivors with a GPS. Only played one game against her so far and they were clearly just figuring out how to use her. Looking forward to seeing how people decide to use her abilities.

  4. I got her to P1 and just lost interest in her….I wish I found her more likeable, just her power feels very lacking

    Time to wait another 3 months I guess

  5. Been loving this Chapter. Skull Merchant is fun to play, the two survivors have good personalities and look great. The perks are really fun to use. The new Shelter Woods and Red Forest are fun to play on. Everything about this chapter is good. It may not be the best but its still pretty good

  6. Her Find My iPhone is soooo much fun to use. Way more interactive than auras (although i wouldnt mind auras or killer instinct on people in the drone range, maybe only if you’re close to it)

    Overall Lois Griffin is definitely a fun killer for me to play

  7. I dont hate the new killer or survivors.

    People are complaining because their fanmade killers or licensed killer wasn't added.

    Also, people are comparing her to Nea when all they have in common is short black hair is a little annoying. To me, she doesn't look bad at all. But her Mori does suck, lol.

  8. Yerv, can you tell me your thoughts on the new skin for her, you know, the uhh… uhhh… “nice” looking one?
    Oh yeah, one more thing. Do you like her find my iPhone app on her iPhone -11?

  9. 3:36 Obviously they changed the screams in the PTB but they changed them again.

    Now you don’t hear the long scream when YOU get hooked but the other people do (at least I think that’s how it is they seem short when I get hooked).

  10. I hate that I have yet to get my hands on the kill and that you beat me to doing something this painful. Only I would have replaced distressing with HEX: plaything. Yes it plays against you but most people are going to try and get rid of there totem and is they have a boon then there going to do that wasting more time

  11. man i just love getting 3 genned by another aoe killer lmao, i was wondering why people would die on first hook at the start going against her but realized fast that she makes every game very boring, anti loop, anti gen, just straight up killing the whole point of the fun which is the chase lmao, i'll just stick to huntress and stay having fun lmao


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