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In today’s Dead by Daylight video I’m going to be using the new(ish) perks that came with Yun-Jin Lee. Smash Hit can sometimes come in really handy and allows you to get away from the killer almost every time, you gain so much distance. If you know how to use it correctly, I feel it could be a really strong perk.
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Hey fubs u the best
Smash it should make it so you go to the healthy state and stun the killer for the entire game😤
Hey fubs
smash hit is a great perk when it works
Dead By Daylight being broken, that’s so … unusual lmao, keep up the great content 🙂
Yo fubs i was in ur last stream do u know when the next one will be?
oh thats a bug. i was wondering how i hit someone at a pallet and i didnt get stunned
DBD has already nerfed smash hit with these pallet stun bugs
I literally just experienced that bug Last Night, you got to love when the game punishes you for being a Good Survivor…
The best part of pallets, instead of stunning the killer and allowing you to get distance… you die
i love getting hit through pallets
good day when fin uploads
We love to have this bug when we have new perk that works only when you stun the killer xd
join 😐
Let's add a perk that relies on pallet stuns, but ruin pallet stuns 😭
Dead Hard is the best! Try to change my mind! :))
lmaoo that oni
good vid bro
Dude,mind as well using Lithe. Exact same numbers,and don't need a stun the goddamn killer who can evade the stun
The funniest thing is that I had a challenge to stun the killer 25 times… and I didn’t know about that bug and I was so pissed…
Yo great vid Fubs. I also want to say I've loved watching your content and your one of my biggest YouTube inspirations. Continue the great content and GREAT VID 🔥♥️
fuba do be gaming tho kek
See, it's weird, because sometimes you'll land the hit through the pallet anyways, and sometimes the weapon has clearly already hit them but you get stunned and miss anyways. As killer I've also been stunned from a meter away, or not been stunned while standing right on the pallet. Sometimes it's just bugged, and I'm not sure how they can fix it because there's all sorts of opposing issues.
Dbd best game ever lol no cap
How doesn't this guy have more subs?
Hey I was wondering if you can add people that play on mobile cause I play on mobile and I wanna know if you can add pc players?
Smash Hit also works with Power Struggle!
here's your chart for today's video fubs, 24% feng 12% just found you, 4% here for the epicness, 60% here because we love you and you have the best content out there, i hope you get a mil 🙂
I think windows of oppurtunity wouldve been pretty good for this build
outro song?
That bug has helped me out in killer lol I don’t get stunned but I’ve never hit them through the pallet it happened to me once as survivor
at 10:38 it wasn´t the pallet bug, you were too greedy and waited too much to throw it
you deserve more subs holyyyy your vids are amazing
I can’t believe they nerfed decisive strike when there’s literally an add on for Michael Myers where he can stay in Evil Within 3 the entire game after getting it once.
you need to move the mic away from your mouth you are blowing my ears out
Lmao u got ur own little squad :)) 5:38