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Solo Queue is amazing sometimes, the slowest gens, immersed players, immediate unhooks with no body block or BT. This is a just a perspective of why its not always all on the killer, for a bad game.
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A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
otzdarva, no0b3, TRU3TA1ENT
I have had several streams lately turn into me going absolutely insane, trying to keep positive in my Solo Q hell watching my entire team throw a won game trying to get me off a hook, Wasting time healing rather than going on gens, wasting time healing eachother cause they gotta get that altruism/survival pip rather than USING THE FUCKING MEDKIT IN THEIR HAND. Or or or or jumping on a gen with me against a Legion which has a 90% chance of having discordance feeding him all 4 hits and I suffer the final slash. Lets not forget Solo survivors also playing around the hook so I get front row kindred seats to the slamjam. Solo Q truly is a wonderful experience. BUT WHENEVER I PLAY KILLER I'M GOING AGAINST SEAL TEAM 6!
Survivor is easier to play but I will say solo survivor is a complete mixed bag sometimes its amazing and sometimes you wonder how some of these players got to the rank there at.
If you want to see gens get done, go play killer lol.
This is why The Devs need to see this I suggested Devs need to put progress indicators above each survivors in the lobby before the match starts to see stats on what they do during the games to decide whether or not you want to play with them on Solo Q's such as gens chases, cleansing etc.
I play solo que only and these are the teammates I get 80% of the time. It’s really frustrating and no matter how many games I win, I still get these type of survivors. I’m thinking of quitting to be quite honest.
1:54 pain… Because you weren't paying attention, you didn't use power struggle when blight walked through that pallet.
i totally agree with the sleep thing i have autism and its like 4:44am atm and cant sleep and i gotta be up at 9am so its such a annoying problem when my brain doesn't wanna turn off hope you have an amazing day❤❤
it's games like these why most of my friends and I play swf or switch to killer. talk about how swf kills the game all you want, it's never going away (not that MFJ has ever done that, i'm just referring to anyone who has an issue with survivors playing in a group). cause look at that feng minh in the first match, urban evasioning the entire game, hiding, not doing gens, and not interacting with the killer. they're the one who deserves to die the most, but it's usually a 50/50 shot they find hatch. the devs need to buff solo queue to match the level of swf, and then they can balance killers around the swf meta. granted, its virtually impossible to match solo queue to swf, but they can do stuff to lessen the gap. the game would be better for it imo.
Maybe they should make gens go fast but add more gens and make the maps bigger again
Perfect example of why I believe most solo que matches, even in high mmr, is killer favored. In swf it's of course survivor sided.
I seem to get at least 1 survivor in every match that goes down taking hits when they shouldn't, dont do gens, or go down within 10 seconds of being chased. Happens way too often.
Hope you feel better Jay
Even in the 3rd match Jay says "the survivors did well for solo que". And still all died. Lmao. That is what I mean, solo que is a whole other game where you need randoms to play perfectly optimal at high mmr. Even then there's a good chance that the killer at least gets a 2k. Depending on the killer and map and build, there's times that unless you were on comms the killer has the advantage from the beginning. Uphill battle from the get go. The devs definitely need to buff solo que somehow. Then they can balance around that.
Suvivor is easy as crap to play. blood point, or any events. Play Suvivor no skill required. Hell these days no one is scared of killers they will run right at you and tea bag before a gens even done yet. ridiculous if you ask me.
Manfacejay love u man but this is nothing new. Solo q has always been like this.
Yeah I don’t understand why someone without ds gets unhooked and runs directly at the killer and hops on gen in front of them to instantly go down and on their second hook within 15 seconds. That’s solo survivors dbd. People not always making wise choices and question others lol
In my defence I only play solo q because I have no friends and I don’t like just playing killers
this is why I hate playin survivor
survivors should be able to see each other's perks before a match. i use to love playing for the people but SO many new survivors are so scared once they get unhooked that they won't even let you heal them. that's why i don't run FTP anymore
The saddest thing is that game is balanced around players like this who just drop pallets aimlessly or spend a whole game crouched. While SWF teams abuse the shit out of it and standing waaay higher on a balance ladder, barring only killers like Nurse or Blight.
solo que for me exactly, either i get good survivors who run for 30-40s sec or they’re down instantly very annoying
This is honestly so frustrating to play with in solo queue and even watch. And most survivors like them will complain about tunneling and camping.
Nothing makes me want to play killer more than when I’m solo q and get some of the teams I get. Except I never get those groups when I play as killer and have to sweat it out. 🤷♂️
I know I have stated this a lot in the past already.. But I mostly go solo q as survivor when.. Well I am playing survivor. I have learned to play a bit differently as soon as I notice I have a bad team. You have to switch gears a bit and be a little more selfish than you would otherwise. It sucks but that is just how things are.
Now you know the pain of solo que survivor, most teams are bad and you even get swf that are bad. When you get a good killer and a bad team the game ends in 5 minutes, when you get a good team and a bad killer the game ends in 5 minutes, there really is no balance imo
I will say.. I used to use Urban Evasion a LOT.. However not in the way most people use it.. I used it for trickery basically.. Make the killer think I am going in one direction only to sneak off into another. I always valued tricking and evading the killer more than just looping till I get downed.. But that is just the way I prefer playing survivor. Since the buff that.. one perk that I am forgetting the name of ( One that lets you see your scratch marks. ) I have been using that one over UE. This is due to it having faster movement speed when walking due to it over crouching with UE. So it allows me to cover more ground.
For the most part I would be running around to do stuff and only really sneaking when I know the killer is near and/or doing it for trickery when being chased. ( Lithe is basically the best exhaustion perk for the way I like doing things. I sometimes use balance landing as well but mostly lithe. Dead hard is a good perk but it does not mesh well with that particular playstyle. Basically Lithe is mostly used to help lose line of sight and then use tracks to misdirect. )
i dont understand why with this mmr i get only bad teammates in basically every match i think this is because of the mmr prioritizing escapes since you dont have to play well to escape but the funny thing is you still get like an above average killer or higher while your teammates are nowhere near that level
meanwhile play killer and i get the most comp sweaty team swf with best meta perks stongest map for survivors with best tile rng and they all have strong items and addons
Feng was his best perk.
Many survivor tome challenges basically require survivors to throw the game and cause survivors to greed activities such as totems, unhooks, pallets, chests. I feel also like in addition to the team mates mistakes on that first game you also made a mistake by trying to greed that gen whilst the killer was chasing nearby and in the second you were greedy for the power struggle plays particularly with the David you should have let him pick you up,
9:30 Peak soloq experience right there
This is why i hate DBD, solo q is unplayable cus of such teammates.
These are awesome games, i never get this high skilled teammates 🙁 🙁 🙁
My mind does the same thing lol. I know your pain!
Feng may had the challenge for the 60sec hide in a killers range, I really hate that especially the one with David where you have to achieve it in one trial. Kinda throws the entire game if you want to get it done asap.
Goodluckmate. Good. Luck.