Spirit has a NEW problematic add-on… | Dead by Daylight

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The Spirit recently received a much needed add-on pass that fixed her infamous duration bug. Along with these changes, they also seemingly tried to nerf the Dried Cherry Blossom add-on but inadvertently made it even stronger. This video showcases a few matches where you can see this “nerfed” add-on in action.

00:00 The Issue Explained
01:07 Match #1 Standard Build
11:17 Match #2 Almost Perkless

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Thumbnail 3D render by: https://www.twitch.tv/Ev3ntic


25 thoughts on “Spirit has a NEW problematic add-on… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Disagree, I don't think Survivors should be able to tell what your stronger add-ons are all the time. What good what it really do? The red bar made Trapper's iridescent add-on weaker since good Survivors would have an alert to it. It's a 4 v 1 and Survivors shouldn't be able to counter everything (although someday I'm half-expecting a perk that makes you immune to Killer instinct. I hope not, but who knows).

    Pro Spirit mains I know tell most people that Cherry Blossom is garbage because a) it's boring and b) it diminishes chances to learn how to properly track with Spirit. If you have enough practice with her, you don't need it. If they were going to change it at all, they could make it an Iridescent, but if you want to learn how to play Spirit well, don't run it.

  2. I think… I think that it probably is a small nerf to the "average" spirit player. By which I mean "the spirit player that can't track naturally within 3m"

    And for those players which can do that, sure it's a buff, but do they really need this add-on to begin with? The other add-ons (e.g. recovery, duration, or movespeed) are probably going to be more effective for these players – correct me if I may be wrong.

    Unfortunately, I don't really think there's going to be a simple way to have a less experienced Spirit player "try the old version" and decide which is easier to play with.

  3. Unrelated to this video ig but what if mft gave you louder footsteps when sprinting it would let attentive killers know you had it and it's just a (very) slight nerf overall

  4. Dried Cherry Blossom ngl has always felt gud on spirit, i agree cherry blossom should probably get changed or removed bc the add-on eliminates her counterplay that survivors use & somewhat have to do complicated guessing & it is unfair, I also miss the spirit butt intro 😂 Keep up the Gud work man! Didn’t mind the Nerfs that she’s been given as a Spirit main but her add-ons & such need to be balanced of course & I still love playing her & watching people play her because she is a fun chase killer as a killer Main.

  5. I mean sure lets give it counterplay, same as speed add ons for gens, lets make it so that when they are used the killer can tp to that gen since without it its giving an uncounterable advantage to the survs and we cant have it right? For the sake of fairness everything that is OPTIONAL should have a counterplay.

  6. in my opinion im fine with this addon. it is a purple addon and purple/iri addons should be supposed to be strong and you dont get a lot of them during the level up progress. i mean the only people who have a lot of these are just nerds that live and breath dbd but normal players have maybe just a few of it.

  7. Thank you otz, since posting this I’ve seen 3 spirits in my games! Before that I haven’t had a spirit in months and it’s been incredible to get some variety after all this time! 🙂


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