Stop Blaming the Player Blame the Game! Dead by Daylight

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21 thoughts on “Stop Blaming the Player Blame the Game! Dead by Daylight”

  1. For some reason you're the only person I enjoy losing cause you always gonna blame the game and how swf broken is all game, it's funny to see someone that competitive not doing any competition but queueing only against randoms all day, maybe try to go do comps and we can see your real level man

  2. When the devs design the game to be an uphill battle for killer unless you tunnel/eliminate someone early. You can't blame killers for playing ways that one side would consider toxic when they have to work within a broken system.

  3. game is more or less balanced. people just like to keep crying
    i agree its much more stressful to play as killer, but despite stress it isnt harder at all.
    killer mains complain about balance as if they should 4k 100% of their games, otherwise gg trash game survivor-sided lol.
    swf bully squads are the real problem but its like 1 game of 30+
    (me = 80% play time as killer, but currently just chilling with newbie friend with off meta).

  4. This game is in such a sorry state on both sides now. Players having to camp and tunnel and justify it by calling it efficient and then survivors whining about being camped and tunneled out even though the makers refuse to penalize such plays. So yes blame the game certainly but I just remember a few years back playing the game and universally players (killer and survivor) viewed camping and tunneling as a coward move… sorry game state we are in.

  5. It may be a fact that people should blame the game, not the player. It is also a fact that some players abuse the game design and get cocky about it. I'm not saying that TrueTalent does that because he has excellent points about how the developers should fix their game. I'm saying that some to most players abuse certain game mechanics in the game because faulty game developers and the game design not being fair of how the game works.

  6. Fellow Killer mains, listen up for a second please.

    I see some suggestions on how Tru3 should have roasted these grumpy guppies, but why? To what end?

    You really wanna give the satisfaction of trading barbs? I sure don't. A "gg cuties 🙂 " is an absolute master stroke. You get to be classy, and it is CERTAIN to burn their ass more than any "git gud" ever could.

  7. I had a really difficult game as Knight on Eerie of Crows. I fought extremely hard to win, I had 1 hook at 1 gen left. I managed to turn the game around with a 3 gen and because of my gen perks + knight power I could hold the 3 gen long enough to win a war of attrition and kill someone. After I killed someone, the remaining 3 survivors all hid in basement for 20 minutes to hold me hostage. Sorest losers Ive ever faced in a game. I found them all in basement and they started running around like headless chickens, giving up as I found them, the final Survivor, I decided to troll (as they trolled me for 20 minutes). I closed hatch in their face and took forever to hook them. And they DCd… Lmao.

    The point being and TLDR, survivors are okay to bully me as killer for 20 minutes hiding but when you give the toxicness back they DC and can't take it.

  8. hello bro i have a suggestion to make i think u are very good as killer but in my opinion i would swap deadlock and eruption with scourge hook pain resonance and dead man switch is a very good combo

  9. You were winning with the 3-gen in a 3 vs 1.
    You just f*** it up by leaving 2 survivors at a gen for so long.
    No wonders you're underestimating the gen kick build (especially Eruption) if you don't really get the idea of it.


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