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The 2 V 8 game mode is really fun, but it takes a really long time to find a match as a killer player. Survivors don’t have enough incentive to play the mode, especially since there are no perks to choose and no traditional counterplayers. What do you think would make a good incentive?
#dbd #deadbydaylight #deadbydaylightsurvivor
I think there should be basekit unbreakable. Perhaps not the recovery speed, but the ability to pick yourself up. I swear, the sheer amount of killers slugging in this gamemode is insane, like it literally takes 1.5 seconds to send someone to a cage, so if the killer does what they’re supposed to, unbreakable wouldn’t even come into play.
people dont realize its about working as a team. cant just run around like its 1v4. perks arent needed as long as you do your part😂
Why would there be sabotages or flashlights? It would make it more unbalanced than it is. I swear survivors can’t go a day without crying
For me to play survivor is if I want to laugh or I've lost as killer 5 times in a row
Its also a free weekend, so a lot of people who don't know how to play and no one really uses their role perks
they should make this gamemode base to the game. But make it so survivors can have perks and make it so you can play as every killer
I'm so glad someone is talking about this because I love regular survivor but this game mode doesn't hit the same 😞
I dont like playing survivor cause I go in the cage once and my team never saves me
they should fix the hitbox there's been so many hits I've seen people take which normally shouldn't hit
I go tired of survivor fast. Not even the blood points can get me to play right now