Survivors Needed In Dead By Daylight

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The 2 V 8 game mode is really fun, but it takes a really long time to find a match as a killer player. Survivors don’t have enough incentive to play the mode, especially since there are no perks to choose and no traditional counterplayers. What do you think would make a good incentive?

#dbd #deadbydaylight #deadbydaylightsurvivor


11 thoughts on “Survivors Needed In Dead By Daylight”

  1. I think there should be basekit unbreakable. Perhaps not the recovery speed, but the ability to pick yourself up. I swear, the sheer amount of killers slugging in this gamemode is insane, like it literally takes 1.5 seconds to send someone to a cage, so if the killer does what they’re supposed to, unbreakable wouldn’t even come into play.


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