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RPD is lame, worst map by far
Should go without saying to not harass this guy, duh.
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These streamers always promote toxic behavior… As if playing killer wasn't fun enough already…
I just got an amazing 3gen on the top floor as doctor in this map, it was impossible for them to escape and slowly but surely one by one I managed to take them down lol was pretty fun. But yeah, if I didnt get that good positioning on the gens I would've been toast real quick tbh, I just really fast decided to hardcore defend those 3 in case of emergency and it paid off lol
It's ironic how that guy types sweaty with that glistening forehead.
I hate to say this.. But I honestly think that guy was on something.. He is showing a LOT of signs of it.. ( Talking about the raging streamer ) If he keeps taking that stuff the way he is he wont be alive for that much longer.. He really needs to be a lot more careful than he is if hes going to do what hes doing.. Or better, get some help and get off of it.
I swear these TTV/twitch streamers are the most entitled brats
I love seeing this video; gave me great solidarity/validation that I wasn't the only guy he was nasty to…..I only wish you had managed to kill him and Paper.
I ran into them back at the start of the month….what a difference between them and the prior group.
Prior group was partial SWF streamer group. Super chill, very fun to play VS. Hung out in their chat.
Go to next game….its this guy. And he threw the book at me. Slurs, insults about my intelligence, accusing of doing things that were blatantly untrue and then claiming they had me 'on vod' or somesuch.
Then he goes to my steam profile and to my twitch channel. And he belittles me n remarks "Apparently this guy thinks he streams too".
I tried to go to his chat to smooth things out and explain my logic for how/why I did things (First mistake, tbh) and it resulted in nothing but him and his chat insulting me, belittling me, and then eventually banning me.
I wish I could say I rose above like you did…but I didn't. Clipped bits of what he said n called his ass out on socials, curious to see what mutuals thought (and truthfully desiring some "payback" for how they treated me both directly and among each other).
But if nothing else….this vid is just one more reason why I'm glad I found your channel….even if I'm kinda over playing DBD again. But your vids and play will always be entertaining!
EDIT – Forgot the funniest part of all; that partial SWF group? BOTH OF THEM had run ins with that guy. He accused both of them of hacking/tunneling/camping, banned them in chat and all socials despite never interacting with him…even some of my mutuals with him only have negative things to say. I feel bad for the guy, to be that angry and full of hate.
that surv definitely snorted a few lines before the game
Saids your sweaty but 2 ds 2 borrowed and all running unbreakable
hes so sweaty he out here dodging hatches irl 🤣
first time seeing someone I recognize in one of these videos. played a myers round with this guy and he was an ass in end game chat
You are so bad wait more next time lmao
Wait… Hatch can spawn on the 2nd floor of RPD?! Yeah that's messed…
Is he literally sweating Playing dbd wtf
This is why I can’t play DBD my friends have became extremely toxic and it’s not fun playing with them and I also became a little toxic and so I had to stop myself from playing the game and whenever I’m in a party with them and they are playing DBD the whole party is just them screaming and complaining and yeah I’m surprised how cool you can keep while playing this game.
why does it look like he ran a marathon to get home and play :DDD
Honestly the girl was kinda chill she seemed like she didn’t care as much
Yo his face haha he's trying hard to not get downed 😂 intense look 😳
RPD is one of worst maps in the game lol
The map is only good for 2 out of 3 for and Ghostface is a stretch and Mikey is not good on there. though pig is very good (I'm a pig main I know I don't speak for all just from my personal experience on that map.)
Him : I hope this killer DCs
You: Plays totally fairly and plays to win
I like how the title doesn't even lie.
that guys is literally sweaty.
what's wrong with his DPI xD , his mouse shakes so much
i love how they’re crying about you “camping” and you’re legit just getting lost
I versed him to and got the same reaction 😂
Brooo hes vaping lmao
The guy looks like salt and vinegar chips
rapid: * walking away from the hook*
streamer: hes camping.
Lol you look weird as hell
Did this man really just say camp harder when you JUST started walking away? Oh my lord.
get flashlight spammed, taking the chase then destroying them is so… so fun 😏
holy shit i can smell that guys forehead grease from here
Pretty much any indoor or small LOS breaking maps are bad for huntress lol
Imagine complaining about a perk that didn't even come into play
This map just sucks ass for killer and for survivor its also boring as fuck