The 30 Minute 3-Gen | Dead By Daylight

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24 thoughts on “The 30 Minute 3-Gen | Dead By Daylight”

  1. so you REALISE before the game even starts they have had awful luck, and yet you still abuse it and drag it on for this long xD damm. dont get me wrong, id love to spin you around for 30 mins but jesus… shouldnt also take you so long to win.

  2. ah finally, a perfect video for when any of my friends ask who cmwinter is, i can just send them this video and everything will be explained lmao, i'll also throw in a video for reference of a streamer playing against you, saying the word "gg" and getting insta perma banned then proceeding to be attacked and sweared at by the stream mods in dm

  3. Damn the people in the comments be like, play normal. Lawl what lose? 3 gens are SO strong and they do bring a game to a standstill as the killer picks them off. I’ve done this as killer and fought against it as survivor. With doctor he locked it down. Or I guess he could load up on the most strong nurse build and end it in minutes 🙃

  4. something I will always disagree with is longer games being boring. This is much more entertaining than survivors throwing a 5 minute game.

    I will always be on the side of closer games. Sure, they lost in the end and fucked up a million skill checks, but they still tried. I'd die to once get teammates like this when I play survivor. It's usually DC or off themselves on hook, rinse and repeat.

    One sided stomps, no matter what it is is far more boring to me. Boring to watch and boring to play. Look no further than sports. When a team is getting washed by halftime, people tend to find the exits.

  5. The fact that this is even possible in DBD is a huge problem. The idle crows should take longer to activate but go right to stage 3 from the get go and take longer to get rid of. They should activate even faster and take even longer to get rid of if you were idle in a locker. And there should probably be a mercy rule where killers win automatically if its been over 20 minutes and not a single gen or totem has been done.

  6. 9:28 They bodyblock to let the Jane finish the gen, see the Jane leave the gen, panic and start running. They could have won it there if the Jane stayed on the gen. It sounded like it was between 90 to 99%. They would have gone down, but they were trying to prevent you from stopping them.


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