ULTIMATE 3 GEN LEGION! – Dead by Daylight Resident Evil

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This Dead by Daylight New Killer Legion Build that focuses on protecting a 3 gen til the very end and removing resources from the map at the same time! hope this video is entertaining and helpful to the Dead by daylight and dbd mobile communities, and since dead by daylight crossplay is a thing now hopefully console players can gain something from the video as well! Enjoy the DBD Rank 1 Legion gameplay!


33 thoughts on “ULTIMATE 3 GEN LEGION! – Dead by Daylight Resident Evil”

  1. omfg claire was right infront of u visible for a split second right after u closed hatch 14:44 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ u'd have to put the playback speed to 0.25x to see the tiny glimpse of her

  2. Damn seeing you strategize during the game and seeing all the pieces fall into place makes this game so much more intriguing for me… I’m still pretty noob but definitely picking up some solid pointers from watching you.

  3. Well this is awkward. Loved it! Sure its a horror game. But its just a game. And those odd moments that pop up between survivor and killer can be fun. I think scenes like that would be a good idea for a shorts series.

  4. Yo, love ur vids keep it up. These vids made me improve so much more as a killer… I need a quick tip if possible,

    Is it faster to get teachable perks from the store or from making the killer/survivor level 30 and then buy the teachable perks from the blood web?


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