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The Anniversary Chapter Is Unfortunately Original – Dead by Daylight
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Unfortunately it seems as though an original killer has been confirmed for the 6th anniversary chapter of DBD. This is in line with the leak earlier this month stating that the anniversary chapter’s survivor would be a character heavily speculated to be coming into the game very soon, Haddie Kaur.
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Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott –
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision
#IntoTheFog #dbd #Anniversary
I’m very upset the game is already in a bad state Wtf is a original chapter gonna do for the player base
Me, who likes original killers: 👉👈
Cool, means I can earn them through iridescent shards instead of paying money to unlock them.
Well if it’s trash, that’s gonna be a huge disappointment especially that it’s for the anniversary. Like releasing an original for the anniversary is disappointing enough already but if it’s also bad then that would extremely disappointing.
Let’s be honest, giant spider is a dumb idea
It better be good original cause last time they said that we got Twins. Either
A. Dead by daylight will bleed even more
B. (which is less likely to happen) it will work out with the original killer and the game won't die immediately afterwards!
My Disappointment is Immeasurable and my day is ruined
Like i was saying to my friend the other day, if the killer is an original then it has to be either really special for the lore of the game, or a concept that the community has been asking for a really long time. I dont mind it being original, as long as the killer, survivor and map are enjoyable. A new original map with more than one version would be good to to keep things fresh in the game
Maybe I am the problem here cuz I dont care for horror licences or horror at all. But all I know is I am very happy to get an original chapter as the anniversary and it kinda upsets me that so many people are "looking down" on the fact that it is.
I'm really excited for originals! If the killer IS the giant spider, I'm going to have so much pleasure scaring the hell out of arachnophobics. Sleep well now, you entitled little turds!😈😈😂😂🕷🕷🕸🕸
Don't think of it as unfortunate, it could still be good, it's the anniversary and I doubt behaviour will let it be a boring killer/chapter
Imagine shaming the devs for being original LMFAO
Yo Tooten is there a time you stream or is it just random
Well this sucks
This chapter needs to live up to the expectations of a licenses chapter, pr else the game will completely die
I'm still one of the few who are still hoping this is a big joke. A fnaf chapter is getting less and less likely as the days go by
Licensed chapters is what make DBD, anyone who thinks differently is demented or a delusional fanboy for DBD.
Why "unfortunately"?
Some of the best killers in the game, including all 3 of the S rank killers are original killers. Also, i'm not in a hurry to get a new licensed killer with Sadako levels of weakness
At this point it really seems like they are making FNaF-like teases just to bring players back just to disappoint them with something completely unrelated and make them leave again.
Original Killer means it'll be a bit stronger imo.
The IP Killers have to fit the source material first, with gameplay coming second.
tbh i would like an original killer (im poor lol)
i will live in denial about it being OG till the day we confirm that it is original through DBD
God damn it
When is the release date???
I love when license chapters are added to the game, but i gotta say a original chapter is pretty interesting especially when its for the anniversary.
If it's going to be original then it needs to live up to the hype.
I’m fine with it being original. I barely play the game anymore and now they made sure to not bring me back for their anniversary. So good on them for keeping me away from the game
Another stupid original fucking dumb ass chapter, great.
I honestly prefer the original killers/survivors over the license so this is fantastic news!
I wouldn’t be surprised if dbd leaks is intentionally lying, since BHVR follows them on twitter and have been on their ass ever since the artist thing, I wouldn’t be surprised if they came onto an agreement like you’re not allowed to leak future chapters but that’s it. And we will pay you to convince people it’s an original chapter so when it comes to the reveal stream, everyone will be shocked and surprised it’s actually a big license like alien or fnaf or f13 or something. I was on their discord server but they muted me forever ever since I posted this exact thing (without saying BHVR is paying them I said Dbdleaks is trolling) and the fact they permanently muted me, makes me really believe this. I’d say it’s still a higher chance it’s original like they said but I’m about 70-30 rn on it.
I really do not want to see fnaf in dbd
Im fine with it being original, and I think good for DBD for celebrating with their own content instead of a license. We just had two huge licenses come in with The Ring and Hellraiser. Something original, as long as it's unique, will be dope.
The Teacher is incoming people.
With something like a new killer haveing peks that deal with lockers, I am saying it could be a pirate killer. (Black Beard?)
Tooten, it wouldn't surprise me if it was another original/license situation. Ash and Ghostface were technically counterparts when they came out around the same time, as well as Pinhead and Mikaela. However, Mathieu Cote has stated that they try to do two licenses a year tops, but we recently got three. Nemesis, Pinhead, and Sadako. It's a tall order for a fourth to coincide with the anniversary depending on the licensing ramifications. If it is Haddie Karr, I hope it's at least something huge for the Archives, cause they've kinda been milking that.
This is like my 8th time deleting dbd
Be glad your not living in Australia. Spiders are everywhere!
One day we will get an Alien chapter with Ellen Ripley and Amanda Ripley as a legendary skin. At least I keep telling myself that.