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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
First! Keep up the good work True
It sounded like she ran into idle crow and then got shot at main building. Don't think you can hurt someone by shooting crows like that.
The new map is soo dark souls and now this skin is basically Loyce Knight
Bro can you juat stop adding flashlight as weakness Ink erased by a flashlight wtf
The body blocking bullshit they tried to pull is exactly why agitation + mad grit is in my perks layout from now on. Yeah it isn't meta but it sure catches them off guard.
It’s cool to see her power can be used for information against survivors that try to hide or sneak. It’ll be annoying for iron will players that’s for sure.
Did they change her chase music sounds the same kinda from PTB
Can crouching dodge the attack of the crows?
Can't wait to play as bird bimbo 😳
Tru3! Time to use that analytical mind to find a build that work with Pentimento! Do you think those huge percentages can make a difference in top MMR?
I love u Truetalent! <333
"Cenobyte has been overperforming". This game is a joke, I just watch it now
For what I gather, the ''best'' way to use her power is to only shoot one projectile at a time very quickly, and use the three projectile shotgun in very specific cases
so due to cooldowns vs 'cleansing' time you would want to use only 1 bird per volley in order to do ranged damage, but would need to hit two consecutively. multiply birds should only be used for either scouting or zoning.
I want to buy this killer for her perks, but at the same time I don't want to give them money till they at least attempt to fix their game… sigh
6:30 It looks like you can only hit them with one crow per volley, the others fly thru them harmlessly.
How do you forget her power my dude? You are lucky enough to even play a PTB un like some of us 😂
I honestly think she is really overrated.
Kool killer an anti-pallet killer is exactly what we needed fk these survivors
She’s good for countering looping and getting info on locations of survivors.
Oh look they added a new killer that effectively counters looping. Enjoy it before the nerf!
seems like a good killer but i hate her chase music
Can already hear the survivors crying in the distance 😂 hurrr durrr overpowered can't loop
She’s broken
this game has become such a joke with these ,, balance changes,, , not to mention the flood of hackers streaming they're games without the devs giving a s**t. I refuse to play or spend another dime just to fuel Behaviours cocaine mountain
I do love a good ice skin.
So… her power can just be countered by running forward and avoiding looping?
That… doesn't sound super useful ngl since most good player know that running to the other side of the map is a way more efficient way to wast the killer time than just running to the closest loop.
Looks like Demise will be part of her standard build since half a second flash can delete your traps.
This game really need balance, not new killers 😀 but soon or later even this killer will be nerfed :/
Countdown to the new killer nerfs…
I see her being S or A tier she's really good
I love her already. The anti-loop is fantastic. So funny to see these survivors who have no clue what else to try if you've blocked off the standard loop around one pallet they do every game.
When hitting from afar use one crow for the injure fast enough before the crows dissappear
Yeah you got an injure at around 5:42 on the Nea
I’m done with this game already I’m only in copper rank and I play against 2 to 3 red rank players every game and everyone uses op perks. Aggravating good luck if your a survivor main when no one plays killer anymore, I’ve been playing this game since the saw chapter, it’s just not fun to play anymore when you don’t even have a chance to win.
bloodeh creative one isn't sheh 🙂