WHERE DID THIS COME FROM! – Dead by Daylight!

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tru3ta1ent


7 thoughts on “WHERE DID THIS COME FROM! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I miss playing Trapper, used to be my main. Wish there was a better effort towards buffing him appropriately. Speaking of buffs for the dbd mascot, I'm sure this conversation has happened before but what do y'all think about them making it so that you enter the dying state after stepping into a trap when already injured? Along with a few adjustments to some of his add-ons, do you guys think this would be an acceptable buff and if not, why?

  2. Hey Tru3, with all the new UI changes upcoming, what do you think of the idea of having an Emblem HUD. A simple UI section on your screen (pretty much the exact thing you see in the post game breakdown) as you play that updates in real time to show you how you are doing. This way if you see you are lacking in a certain area, you might have a chance to improve upon before you end the game.


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