THE BEST STRAT! – Dead by Daylight!

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12 thoughts on “THE BEST STRAT! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Balance for casuals, killers play really tactical in order to make up for being weaker than super experience survivors, casuals complain about killers being strong, but camping and tunneling are more viable now than ever with mmr.

  2. I never understood why the game just doesn’t balance by rank/mmr to keep it interesting at every level. It seems like they stand to lose their advanced players by just catering to one side

  3. Tru did say while defending the first hook it could have bitten him in the ass, and yeah this match could have gone differently if the three survivors had just stuck with the gens instead of running around trying to draw him out. Once it was obvious he wasn’t leaving they could have given up and maybe gotten the other two gens just as that first guy died. Then it becomes a 3v1 match with 1 gen left or maybe close to no gens left.

    They didn’t do that though so it worked out for Tru.


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