The BEST Ways To Play THE KNIGHT! | Dead by Daylight

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13 thoughts on “The BEST Ways To Play THE KNIGHT! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I kinda hit and run hop for small map or lots of tight areas also no way out is really helpful, most matches seem to last longer than it should imo so try and play with your assassin most. I also use the guards to push the survivor where I can get a easy hit and not let them get to a loop so it’s a m1 but two hit

  2. Honestly the best way to play them is just camp really like it feels bad when the killer is so bad you have to camp I even think trapper can camp even better then knight lol also the fact people are defending this killer actually being good are insane easily bottom 5 killer atm, also if you ask me instead of him kneeling he should be like pinhead and nurse.

  3. Effective way to use guard is like spirit you just don’t put guard stand still on pallet instead you predict move from sound and put on where survivor will run on. And also the carnifex break pallet so fast it like dredge perk, the knight can literally walk pass pallet that carnifex is still breaking

  4. I think guards should be effected by perks imo

    I think this build would have been even stronger with Dragon's Grip instead of Brutal Strength that way if they camp the gen until the patrol is finished you'll get that easy down. Then for add ons I'd run Battle Axe Head with Flint and Steel. Even if guards don't inflict perk effects on gens survivors won't always know that and having Carnifex quickly damaging gens still does normal regression and keeps them guessing plus you get some good Aura reading value from the add ons.

    Not so fun fact: on top of guards not applying effects from perks they also don't do to 2.5% gen regression when they damage the gen. Really shows how hard this killer was held back from the devs.

  5. I prefer the gen build better as you did seems like you can do more pressure while in a big area and line your ducks in a row but then again I can’t get enough of artist she is my new personal main thanks to your videos educating me on how I can play her better because sometimes I might get 2-3 kills but 1 would escape now I get 4k and toxic commentary from complainers but it’s so funny πŸ˜‚β€ thanks kove

  6. 0:35, u just used the power so fucking wrong, u just gave him the mid of the map for no reason, the killer ability is for zoning the survivor, totally opposite of what u did… so whats the points of blaming the killer if you dont know how to play it… im not saying the killer is good, but u played so shit there.


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