THE BOON: CIRCLE OF HEALING NERF – Dead By Daylight (DBD Developer Update Patch Notes)

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THE BOON: CIRCLE OF HEALING NERF – Dead By Daylight (DBD Developer Update Patch Notes)

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27 thoughts on “THE BOON: CIRCLE OF HEALING NERF – Dead By Daylight (DBD Developer Update Patch Notes)”

  1. I feel like this is gonna push survivors to push gens even more now. People complain about survs ignoring healing themselves or others and with these nerfs I don't see the benefit in trying to heal? They nerfed every single way to heal down to the base heal time. Idk I think this is just gonna make gen-rushing even more rampant especially with the nerfs to gen regress perks.

  2. Ive already brrn contemplating uninstalling after 4 years because of the skyrocketting in camping and tunnelling. Its not even 80% of the matches, its EVERY match, killers arent even trying anymore and why should they when they dont get punished. But im not queuing up every single game to get bullied anymore.

  3. People still can't drop this mess of a game BHVR have made. Sad to be a fan of these developers, they need to revisit their game design team and do a complete rework of the game or start from scratch. It always was a good concept but terrible execution, since the game release, since the open beta I've played through. I always felt like this game needs improvements, this feeling never left me. I don't play DBD for 3 years already and each patch note I look up I see the game shifting more and more into a wrong direction. The only right direction devs took is when they made a decision to make loops and saves more risky, that's the only thing they did right. Everything else is just f'ed up right now, before we had like 5-6 meta perks on both sides. Now we have around 12 meta perks and the worse part about it that those perks get changes back and forth each update. For me it's clear that game design team that handles balancing doesn't know what to do with the stuff they created, they had a wrong vision and they are trying very hard to fix it but they can't. You can't really fix a thing that was created broken, never should've introduce boons to the game, never should've introduce any anti-tunnel/anti-camping measures since it only made it worse. Never should've introduce "active ability button" perks, never should've design a teleporting killer in to the game where your only way to survive is to make distance. Lots of stuff changed over these years, but as a result I see a broken game and dev team not understanding but trying very hard to fix it. They are simply incapable of doing so and I don't disrespect them for that, I don't know how to fix this game either, it's just broken beyond any repair for me, too much cumulative changes that stack on each other and ruin the original concept the game once had.

    I still want a fixed DbD 2 to be fair, I would prefer BHVR to drop this mess and start from scratch with a new vision they have right now, mixing old vision with a new vision doesn't work for this genre. But that's my personal opinion that most people won't ever read and I personally don't even want to be heard by developers, they are getting paid for their failures anyway, in the end video games is about money making lately, not about making an art.

  4. If they nerf boon and medkits im just moving on to another game. Its literally what keeps me alive longer against shitty loops and normie teammates. Killers already have major advantages. The game is already boring with the same killer load outs and add ons

  5. In solo queue survivors don’t often stop what they are doing to heal someone who is far af.

    Also, perks that reveal your aura to other survivors is trash for solo queue especially end game. Toxic survivors love leading killers late/end game to survivors they can see (solo queue).

  6. Spread the word yes you reading this comment! Wherever you can wether it be your favorite creators chat or comment section or BHVRs public forums! Leave billy alone!

    In case you don't know BHVR next update is planning a major nerf to hill billy which well make him even less playable if you enjoy billy as he currently is spread the word!

    Help us billys 😢

  7. I play even while being injured. Healing could waste time at times since it could take a while and i usually don’t take mk. But CoH always came in clutch when I was on death hook and needed to restart. This is just ridiculous.

  8. Well the changes in this patch some of them are good while some of them are a bit questionable,like for example dead hard,CoH are a bit weird they decided to change it that way like CoH the only time I find it annoying is you have to constantly looking for it and snuff it a lot of time consider can be used infinite amount of time which can waste some time as a killer main while dead hard change is just??? Like they could choose to change like the survivor still get to used their dead hard like in the first chase if they really want to go that rescue gain dead hard idea.But eh I don't think is a good change after all.Let just cope bhvr doesn't implement these changes I guess


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