The Dead by Daylight Mobile Experience Is A Disaster

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not sure why that trickster did not get me, also there were so many random sound effects that did not make sense. This game sucks and I will not do this for a while unless it was actually that enjoyable to watch.

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24 thoughts on “The Dead by Daylight Mobile Experience Is A Disaster”

  1. I'm not gonna lie.. after 6k hours spent on the original, I can say that I PERSONALLY prefer some Dbd mobile, the atmosphere is in general more chill and i like the fact that I can just not care how the game goes, regardless.
    Btw thank you RC for bringing always fresh and diverse content from the other Dbd creators ♥️

  2. Ive played a lot of dbd mobile. You only really get killers and survivors like this at the lower ranks, once you reach rank 1-3, youll start getting the tryhards. Oh and literally every single game ive played against a bubba, it has been a camping bubba. No exceptions.


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