The Dead by Daylight Wiki Made Me Look Dumb

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49 thoughts on “The Dead by Daylight Wiki Made Me Look Dumb”

  1. I mean, what do you expect from the wiki of a game that's still boring as shit to play after 5 years? Nobody wants to do any more research because we're all drained of any joy we once had for the game… at least I am, which is why I decided to start playing older games like the infamous series again, and honestly, best decision I've ever made

  2. I feel like it's more of a 200% for the first 0.2, and 150% for the reminder 0.8, which would make it slightly over 6 meters and that would add up to the length of the table.

  3. Maybe by base movement speed they mean walking speed? With walking speed it adds up to about 5 meters, which is about how far deadhard went when compared to the table's full length. Keep in mind that other exhaustion perks say they increase your "normal running speed", not your base or default speed.

  4. I'm guessing it increases your movement speed by 150% for .2 seconds and 100% for the other .8. Either way it's giving you 4.4 meters of distance except one is only 4.4 meters and one is 8.4, like the wiki said, 4.4 from the dead hard and 4 from normal running

  5. Sorry, but those were the datamined values.

    Maybe our interpretation of them wasn't 100% accurate in this case, as it is difficult to do so just seeing the numbers and having to gauge their meaning according to the variable abbreviations used by the devs.

    I'll revisit the data, but honestly, we would have preferred you to contact us on the Wiki instead of a public name and shame that risks our reputation. As you have said earlier in the video, we do in fact datamine all of our values and strive to be as accurate as possible.

    We identified two mistakes that are now corrected, but I'll have you know that the speed modifier values are still accurate.

    Mistake 1: the animation lasts 0.5 seconds, not 1 second.

    Mistake 2: the "time" variable found in the original data detailing the speed curve is most likely not to be interpreted as actual time in seconds (as we did), but rather as a percentage of the elapsed animation time, so applied to the aforementioned 0.5 seconds.

    We also added some additional pieces of information that should clear everything up. But still, we would have preferred you to contact us on the Wiki first. We are all volunteers, and have to piece this stuff together ourselves, as the devs do not provide us with the values themselves. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but mistakes can happen. This does not mean the Wiki in its entirety is untrustworthy or wrong, and saying so, even when just insinuating it, is not fair towards us.

  6. This is probably a case of the devs not realising the most used survivor perk in the game has been bugged this whole time lmao

    But Jesus Christ imagine if it did get buffed to this distance….making a dumb bs perk even more ridiculous lol

  7. I've combed through the wiki many times before and found an insurmountable number of errors and mistakes in the wiki and just like with any other wiki, it cannot be trusted as an accurate or credible source.

  8. Hey scott with your sinus thing is it like where you can only breathe well through one nostril at a time and it just randomly switches back and fourth? And your nose constantly feels stuffed but you blow your nose and nothing comes out despite feeling stuffed but then sometimes alot comes out but then goes right back to feeling stuffed? I just wanna know if we have the same thing.

  9. I hate when people try to say you're wrong about a game mechanic because "The wiki says this"

    Look, even some of the perk descriptions are incomplete or unclear on what they do, you really expect a Wiki to have proper information?


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