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Good old Spine Chill, the use of it has fluctuated throughout the years, but now it seems to be in a bad place following the new update. While not the worst perk in the game, it’s definitely seen better days.
I miss old spine chill. So much fun and value.
Already a dumb argument. Spine Chill was never intended to be used for the visually impaired
They could also bring back old DH and keep the new changes to it. Spine chill is a perk just like iron will, didnt really feel the change was needed.
Spine chill helped me out when I was first learning, and had trouble telling the intensity of the Terror Radius, and seeing if the killer was headed directly towards me. I think that it still has it's use with that, but it only really has a noticeable effect if you're new to the game. Reverting the changes made to it will give it a reason for people to keep running it.
1:45 and that's why spine schill shouldn't work on undetectable killers. Most of stealth killers lack chase power, and how do you compensate it? Right, instead of trying to chase someone you rely on stealth to get to survivors, catch them off guard and then get a free hit — balance restored.
But suddenly there's a perk which makes stealth not reliable, which isn't exactly fair for killers whose only option is stealth
It was definitely unnecessarily nerfed like a lot of perks and more than likely it won’t be buffed for a long time if ever. If it does though it should have the vaulting speed increase again
When they first changed Spine Chill, I think they said it was just for hard of hearing people while they added in the visual terror radius, and that they would rework Spine Chill once it was implemented. This does beg the question why they didn't change it for the Mid-Chapter though… 🤔
Also, I think the reason they removed the Spine Chill/Resilience was not only because it was really good, but because vaulting faster in chase wasn't really what they had in mind with the theme of the perk. It supposed to be a heads up perk, where you know about the killer approaching before others. Moving faster in the middle of a chase doesn't really seem to fit.
Honestly, I'd just love to see the "killer is looking at you" aspect come back. I know a lot of people loved their super vault speed builds, but I always just liked a heads up when the killer is coming for you. That's all I really wanted from the perk, and that's what the perk has always supposed to be too.
Really hoping they rework it in the next Chapter though.
They did all of those things so you u would stop using them
Spine chill has activation of 36m which is more than any terror radius in a game, and as i can understand why this may be decent against most killers, it has its value against killers like trickster or huntress which has much smaller radius and spine chill synergize with their lullaby (first You hear lullaby then Your spine chill activates so You know that killer is moving towards You), same may be apply to most killers, if there is no terror radius, but spine chill activates, this means that killer is not moving towards You. It maybe not S tier perk, but still solid in terms of information. Also, blindness do not affect that information.
I think that they should buff spine chill while making it not work on undetectable killers so it doesn’t screw over stealth killers
Yeah and I as a demo main what old Ruin back
“DiDnT fIt ThE tHeMe Of ThE pErK”
They clearly just wanted any reason to nerf it
If they revert it back to it's pre-nerf form, then remove the action speed bonus, it would still jump back up to S tier. God, what a perfectly designed, powerful, skillful information perk.