The definitive Legion add-on tier list (2023) | Dead by Daylight

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This is the definitive Legion add-on tier list and updated for the start of 2023! What are The Legionโ€™s BEST and WORST add-ons in Dead by Daylight? Find out by watching this ranking!
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33 thoughts on “The definitive Legion add-on tier list (2023) | Dead by Daylight”

  1. its sad to see that Most of Legions Addons are so low.

    I would like for them to maybe make a little Addon Buff in the near Future. Not a whole Rework or anything, just a little Buff to all of their Addons would be nice ๐Ÿ˜€

    Also great and informative Video, though i have to say i dont Agree on your Pills Ranking. Its not S Tier by any means but definetly not so low.

  2. You rate Never Sleep Pills as C based on the extra duration it gives you.

    I rate Never Sleep Pills as S based on the extra Bloodpoints you get per Feral Slash.

    We are not the same, Tat.

  3. I agree with the positioning the Never Sleeping Pills on it's own, but I think they pair well with the mural sketch together. It won't solve the mentioned problems but for me, a less frequent Legion player it makes things easier

  4. Never Sleep Pills are way too low. It's not so much about speed, it's about distance. Base Frenzy is 5.2 m/s and lasts 10 seconds, meaning you can move 52m (or 62.4m with Mischief List) before your Frenzy ends. With Pills, you move at 4.6 m/s in Frenzy but it lasts for 20 seconds, so you can move 92m (!!!). On top of this with every stack of the Frenzy hit movement speed increase, you cover even more distance (+2m per hit base Frenzy; +4m per hit Pills Frenzy).

    Your main justification for putting Pills so low is because then you can't utilize the mobility aspect of a faster Frenzy, but with a 3 second cooldown where you are forced to move at 2.07 m/s, you actually move faster over time just walking at 4.6 m/s out of power for 13 seconds than you do if you used your entire 10 second Frenzy at 5.2 m/s plus the 3 second cooldown at 2.07 m/s. In fact, taking the cooldown into account, it doesn't become more efficient to use your base Frenzy for mobility over just walking until you reach ~16s: 13s of Frenzy (which isn't possible without hitting someone) + 3s of cooldown vs. 16s of walking at 4.6.

    Obviously things aren't quite so cut and dry mid match, as having a faster Frenzy helps you, say, race a survivor to hatch more easily, or possibly help you not get body blocked as easily, but you're definitely under-rating Never Sleep Pills.

  5. The only time I run Never Sleep Pills is with the Legion Sketch for the extra speed boost per hit, you start off slow but if you play like how you taught us and don't use your power until the chase starts, all you need is that first hit and then you can zoom across the map for further hits. It's one of the few ways I can guarantee a 5-hit down.

  6. I kinda agree with NSP i use them whenever i need to do some boring challenge in the rift or just want to play to get some bloodpoints but not think too much, and yes, is a boring addon both for me, and for some survs. But ngl it feels good that your power actually seems relevant in some situations.

  7. I played legion last night while my friend watched and he was joking about me using a "meta" build (mostly meme-ing he called Floods meta). And said "well at least you're using two brown addons" while I was running bracelet and list. Like Buddy do I have a surprise for you

  8. I would argue that in a way Mangled is stronger because of strong healing. If Survivors have access to CoH and cracked Med-Kits then they are more likely to heal against Legion giving you some value. If they don't have access to these things, then they might not even bother because it will just take too long and not be worth it.

  9. Sleep pills seem… A little low on this list. Yes you lose a lot of Utility when it comes to map traversal. But with a decent Map, paired with either Mural Sketch, and your lethality with this add-on is gonna be nuts! Being able to almost guarantee a 5th hit down for every Frenzy will keep up pressure all game long


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