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A lot of survivors dislike Legion become of their hit and run playstyle and like to DC but they’re actually one of the easiest killers to win against in Dead By Daylight. Their power is only good for the first hit but they’re the least likely killer to win, even against solo queues in DBD
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except when you're cursed with the solo q teammates that only want to heal half the match instead of doing gens.. 😭
The thing is, that I almost always play Legion and get a 4k like 80% of the times. But. I ALWAYS let the last survivor get the hatch. And if I downed everyone and the gate is open we always play "red light, green light". That's why I never get a 4k 😉
As a new legion main….. STABING!!!!!
I play as Legion MAXIMALLY unserious. The stupidest builds, tactics, and so on. I just like to goof around when I play as Legion because of the "hyperactive cat" gameplay. I remember purposely pretending to be friendly to let the Survivors fully heal against my anti-heal build and as soon as they were all healed, I immediately hit each one with Feral Frenzy and simply ran away backwards, nodding like crazy.
Their songs are all bangers though and that more than makes up for it.
Legion is my most played killer, and I can say for sure they are super weak. Good survivors make you basically choose between being an M1 killer with no power or you 3 gening and stalling out the game with mending. Not fun for either side to play as or play against. Would love to see a rework for legion
Anyone else getting tired of how professional she’s trynna seem w this game when’s she’s been playing for less than a year?
All legions slug, camp, and go for the 4k. I don't know what games you have but the legions I go against are all sweats. I've escaped twice against him out of 20 games
It's because it's too easy to spread out and deny the legion their power the legion will rarely be able to hit all five hits if the survivors have the slightest amount of competency.
They're okay, just dont put them in front of a coordinated team.
Only issue i have is when other survivors run the same direction as you. It's best to split up and not heal unless you have a healing build
eh i say it depends on the legions loadout. me i tend to run a sorta rancor rush build using "friends till the end" "game afoot" "no way out" and "rancor" to constantly swap obsession and well "friends till the end" is just godlike on legion if yer constantly downing obsession since it's just a cycle of find obsession hook em and ftte pops letting me know were the next target is and even if you loose em just gotta pop a frenzy to find em. pretty much your dam near guaranteed a 2k at least (one kill before gens are done and a rancor) more if ya manage to get game afoot and rancor to pop while people are waiting out "no way out"
Your wrong. I play legion. And I can get four k. And also skull merchant. I am a killer main. And if you don't usually see Legion 4k. It is because they usually feel sorry for you guys. Also you may come across weaker legion. But they are stronger Legion and get 4k.
The stealth legion i played against yesterday was kinda cracked ngl
Nah, I’d win. (I play legion)
My boy Mathias just casually gliding around at the beginning
With me I never get the 4K because whenever I play legion I always face a swf that just hates me for even playing legion and will do everything to make sure I can't play the game
Bro I got a 4k with my first match as legion with no perks💀
"Lowest kill rate" and yet it's Still over 50%
I swear we don’t mean it 😭
When i play legion i just hook erybody 2 times and then just frenzy spam with not mori/3rdhooking, i play legion only to have fun not for kills
Champion of light, puts legion out of his power very easily
The Legion literally used to be marked as a "Very Easy" killer in terms of difficulty before they removed that scaling..
I want legion to be more fun to go up against
A killer with such a good chase theme deserves better!!
Dead by daylight
I only go for 8 hooks with legion😅
Nuh-uh! Best way to survive is playing against my noob ass as Chucky or Trapper. lol
Lol its easy to get 4 k