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Why is FNAF DIVIDING the DBD Community?
Five Nights at Freddy’s characters have been long requested Killers for DBD, mainly Springtrap. Some get excited over this crossover but others, not so much. FNAF has a bunch of games and even a movie coming out so we’ll discuss why certain players still don’t think it should be a chapter.
FNAF Concept:
My Stuff 🙂
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Do YOU want FNAF in DBD? Why or why not?
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That Springtrap concept trailer someone made was excellent.
I dont want more ppl in their 20s playing dbd
There really shouldn't be a debate, its either you want fnaf because you love the series and would to see it in dbd, or you don't like the series and don't want to see it in dbd that is all it should be. And before anyone tries to bring up the scott cawthon "Controversy" i gotta ask, where was this attuitude when Alien was announced you know the DISNEY ip, what scott did is nothing in comparison to what Chinese concentration camp loving, anti lgbtq bill supporting disney has done, So where was the outrage then? it's a blantent double standard
My one issue with FNAF is more of a “could it happen?” Issue, it seems like the series is skewing towards a younger audience. The movie is PG-13 and games like SB are very toned down in scares. If they’re trying to make the series more kid friendly then the last thing they’d want is for Springtrap to be running around slaughtering people brutally. As much as I’d love to see the series in DBD. This is a legitimate issue I never see brought up in discussion.
Honestly it would be pretty cool
Most people that say no are just haters for no reason, i don't like every character in the game but i am still okay with them being in the game. I'm always happy for their fans.
DBD players calling FNAF fans childish and entitled is like TF2 fans calling anime fans virgins: pot calls the kettle black.
They didn't want fnaf in DBD because it's "too silly" but then you got killer popstars… righhhtt.
I only played the first FNAF, so I don't have much input. I've been told there's way more than that, but the gameplay kinda just bored me. I wouldn't care if it gets added to DbD or not. Slenderman might be a better indie horror to start with.
The SCP community has a lot of good Killer possibilities (as well as some survivrors). I'd be more interesting in those joining DbD. ShyGuy (096), Peanut (173), and Larry (106) would all work well with the mechanics of DbD (they'd just have to get nerfed like most Killers compared to their movie/game version).
I want it, but the only reason I don't think we'll get it is cause I'm pretty sure the devs don't want fnaf in dbd. That's what I've been hearing, anyways.
Make A Video About Best map For Every Killer
The main character from FNAF players want is Springtrap aka a man who murdered countless kids, got haunted and killed by those kids in his murder suit/animatronic, and walks normal, disproving the claims
I’ve always been a big fnaf fan, and I’ve been loving Dbd since 2017; I think it’d be great if the two crossed over
I would say yes I would love that to happen but not as a paragraph that’s just a waste of a great chapter.
Lmao its predator. U will see next month stream.
I’m all for feddy fbear
honestly, after showing the teddy bear skin for whats their face they cant say its too mature of a game for fnaf characters
What would springtraps weapon be?
Yes i want it in the game! Don’t understand why people complain about fnaf and call us childish when most of us are in our 20s now. They us childish when they’re actively gatekeeping over a video game lol😂
It would be funny if they end up making a lot of hints towards Fnaf and then just add something completely different. Idk if the Fnaf Fans would find it funny but I definitly would
I'm of the belief that having a debate like this is perfectly fine, but the problem is as we are as people we have a lot of preconceived biases and perspectives, the only valid thing I can ever see being used as an argument now a days as to FNAF's unlikely inclusion is the donations scott made in the past as this put a huge dent in the games popularity, to the point Scott Cawthon stepped down.
I looked at that situation as best as I could and tried to see the good in scott intentions, I see it one way and from his thread alone, his intention of the donations was not to harm LGBTQ+ Members and he thoroughly expressed that countless times through donations and interacting with a lot of LGBTQ+ Members within the community, he's a kind and amazing dude, his donation was done solely for the intention of bettering the US Economy.
But I'm not from the US and I'm from the UK, so my perspective can be certainly biased, I respect scott and I appreciate he understood that his donations DID hurt people, which he did apologise for, however, it doesn't mean it came without its issues.
So the only argument that's being used with any form of merit is the Scott donation Situation back in 2021, but again its merely up to ones perspective and how one wishes to separate the art from the artist.
I'm all for FNAF's inclusion, however I'm not sure it'll becoming anytime soon.
I would like fnaf to come to DbD.
It's good marketing and I'm curious to see how they would do it. They have realised most of their license killers brilliantly in the past. I have no reason to think it'll be different for fnaf.
The more I see people hate on the idea of fnaf being in DBD or straight up denying it will ever happen, it makes me want the crossover to happen more. I just want to see their reactions.
Now is the perfect time to add fnaf so if we dont get it now i cant see it coming anytime soon
2:20 Thanks to Security Breach and Ruin
If they added fnaf I would very much hope they make the killer insanely intractable to play against like maybe spawn a tablet that let’s survivors interact with cameras that shoot pebbles like that one perk in order to distract the killer a little. I’m just saying if there’s no camera involvement I’ll be upset.
For the killer side the counter could be in power usage so that survivors aren’t spamming camera functions and whenever it hits 0 killer gets some buff like undetectable plus an option to jumpscare.
Just make the killer as if playing against and as them is like playing an event mode. Just my opinion
I like both fnaf and dbd but I don’t want fnaf to come to dbd. It doesn’t seem like it fits to me at all. I’d rather see more classic horror or original ideas.
They already ruined the horror theme with trickster so I couldn’t care less
The problem I have with FNAF being in Dbd is what the hell would the powers be? I’m not a fan recycled powers and Bhvr has a huge habit of screwing up licensed killers, cough Nemesis. Granted I’ve only played the first game so for all I know Springtrap might have god-like powers.
"People will leave the game completely if this crossover happens."
Purification in the works
Doesn’t matter what the dbd community will say. It’ll likely happen and it’ll generate sales and interest.
I now think scrap can be in cause the ghosts in the event, they're basically his high fumes
If trapper really get his naughty bear skin would not be impossible fnafs happen on dbd