The Knight in Dead by Daylight!

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The Knight in Dead by Daylight!
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38 thoughts on “The Knight in Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Btw it takes a couple seconds to actually chase the survivor and if the survivor unhooks the guard disappears. So he’s only good at face camping more for information or if survivors aren’t aware

  2. This is such a cool chapter with a nice expensaion on the ai system. Not a fan of the map. I hate the orange too much. I hope hellraiser would get a chapter two based on the 2022 movie using the ai spawning system for pinhead gash. The scene where cenobites March towards the mansion was so iconic.

    Imagine gasp trapping survivors. Wheeze chasing them.
    Wheeper grabbing them.
    Chatterer doing chattering. 😂

  3. Everything about the new killer looks awesome, but the reality is that he's basically Charlotte and Victor if they had a third, if Victor and the third could operate on their own without player control, and if Victor and the third could be positioned right beside hooks.

  4. watching the parts where you send your guards to face camp in the 2nd match, it looks like going over your path within a certain distance will delete that part of the path, possibly to give you the option to redraw that section. You'll notice the charges increasing and decreasing as ayrun draws the circle at 8:47.


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