This Is The WORST Add-On For The SINGULARITY… | Dead By Daylight

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29 thoughts on “This Is The WORST Add-On For The SINGULARITY… | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I’m sad this add on is literally worthless and any other add-on even the infection range/rate ones are better.

    Tbh it’d be neat if it only showed auras while being infected. Or something if they wanted it to relate to box auras. Similar to how pig traps work.

  2. Today i tried to play singularity, 1/10 dont recommend they should either remove emps or rework his power,he is hard to use and weak at the same time 😂 lmao
    Is a shame because the design is great too.

  3. Oh my god, im not insane, somebody is also playing with hex third seal! Third seal against medium and above medium survivors will do only one thing – counter windows of opportuntiy and kindred, which makes chases much easier, believe me or not. But i have no idea if EMP crates auras are affected by blinded status effect.

  4. One of the most painful experience you can ever face while playing Singularity is being sent to in door maps such as RPD, Lery's or Midwich.

    Could you by chance consider making a guide for those situations where you get sent to either those maps please? Awesome to see you're back ❤️


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