The Longest 2v1 Ever – Dead by Daylight

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30 thoughts on “The Longest 2v1 Ever – Dead by Daylight”

  1. A few months ago a friend and I had a 2v1 against a Doctor on The Game that lasted about 40 minutes. One person immediately disconnected and the other intentionally died on hook at 5 gens. It ended with one escape

  2. Scott: I was in chases that lasted for multiple generators, unhooked and healed multiple people (minus the Kate that cornered herself), and was part of completing 3 generators, but I died.
    BHVR: If you don't get out though was it a skillful play?
    Scott: So getting 8 hooks and 0 deaths means less skill than a killer with NOED on bubba that facecamps 1 person?
    BHVR: Yes

  3. The red envelopes are very good for Wraith. I can approach Survivors without them noticing and easily get a free hit cause they either try to commit to opening it, and or, they’re in a dead zone.

  4. I killed 2 people early as hag the other day (progress on hook into ebony mori) on the game and the other 2 survivors hid from me for over 2 minutes (even through spies from the shadows, which I had on due to being low level). I searched for ages, eventually trapping the staircases and then sweeping through the floors one by one. They never got crows. Found them in the basement. Killed both of them. Won with only 4 actual hooks

  5. i actually had a match where it was a 2v1 and the killer was cycling/camping the 2 generators so me and the teammate had very small windows to work on the generators as soon as the killer would move to the next one. it was almost 10 minutes of just that

  6. Bruh I had a 2v1 against a huntress on shelter woods with 3 gens left, my friend and I finished the gens taking turns in chase and both escaped. Literally we were in someone else's mmr at that point lol


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