The match that finally broke me. | Dead by Daylight

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This video features a regrettable match showcasing how difficult it is to keep up with medkits as a Killer without a strong chase power. This match (and the ones leading to it) eventually made me break the tradition of not using add-ons on my streaks and challenges.

0:00 Intro & Context
2:57 Dredge Match

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29 thoughts on “The match that finally broke me. | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I appreciate the kind words (and reasonable venting) but please don't use this comment section to just be rude to other people. I've seen baffling comments that have nothing to do with the subject of the video and I don't want to encourage and endless cycle of negativity. Thank you!

  2. I mean I personally think using addons is fair, survivors aren’t playing by any rule book in solo q matches. They do whatever they have to do to win, which often includes bringing whatever items/addons will get them that win

  3. As a solo q player green medkits with one speed and a gel dressing has saved me soo many games! Altho when i play killer, survs heal so fast and its awful:( its hard to have strong opinions when u play both sides equally

  4. Hey otz, these guys are really good compared to the people everyone else typically plays. While in the hands of the right people medkits are good, they’re average among average players.

  5. what if they make it so there's a max amount of items you can take for example: 1 medkit 1 flashlight etc per match and if someone has selected double it just unselects both and they have to look what other people have?

  6. Dredge is not weak at all, he is overpowered. All i see in this match is you making mistakes over and over again, not placing your remnant correctly, teleporting at bad times and places, being too obvious on your intention, and others noob mistakes.

  7. Stopped playing Dbd about 2 years ago because it got me bored since a ton of players just use metaperks but i do have huge respect for you otz that you still play it.

  8. Problem is that the other killers are considerably weaker than nurse and blight etc. Because every survivor at the higher ranks always face nurse and blight back to back they come prepared for the best. That causes even killers a little bit weaker have no chance.
    Simple enough

  9. I don't think the devs care much about the game being balanced and/or fun to play for everyone. Cosmetics are the only thing that matter, async games are tricky but still.

  10. truetalant was correct about second chance bullshit all this time. this is Otz vs some random dudes. imagine this game but random killer dude vs comp squad. everyone who think this is not survivor sided game or "THIS PATCH MAKE GAME KILLER SIDED/FAIR/BALANCE" just live on copium.

  11. I've said it before I'll say it again, all the talk about "re-work this perk rework that perk", what needs addressed is the massive imbalance items and add-ons cause. The right add-ons on a killer or survivors can make or break a match.


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