The Meat Grinder Effect in Dead by Daylight

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This video is mostly an attempt to get BHVR to subscribe to my Onlyfans account. The entire part about how the killer experience is currently so unfun that it’s the hypothetical equivalent of being shoved in a meat grinder is just filler content.

Checkout hexy on Twitch here!

Music used : ” HORROR THEME ” composed and produced by “Vivek Abhishek”
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00:00 hexy intro
01:32 The Meat Grinder Effect
05:29 Subscribe
05:44 hexy outro


22 thoughts on “The Meat Grinder Effect in Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is 100% accurate but I even think you could take it a step further. I stopped playing DBD entirely (played both but primarily killer) around the trickster update. It was a long build up of what felt like multiple updates of the devs ignoring the community and killer becoming increasingly less fun to play. The SBMMr has only guaranteed I'll never return. I would be interested to see your take on the premise that "Dbd caters more to survivors than killers" and whether you agree or disagree with that notion.

  2. It's boring for either side, survivor is just a power trip for people who wanna feel good about themselves through putting others down, while still being under the illusion that they're better which they desperately need. There is no reward to being a great survivor since the game doesn't allow the killers to gain enough advantage for it to matter, aka you can be kinda shit and you'll most likely have a breeze. Even the team with no weak links can allow themselves to make mistakes, not to mention the 16 perks available to them, of which at least 4 are there to correct mistakes and possibly extend a chase by a gen each if not more. Killer on the other hand can be screwed over royally even if they made no mistakes. Just stop playing, the only reason you're doing it is because you're so used to it and have put too much time and effort in it and don't know what else to play. You can stop, I believe in every single one of you, leave this game to the trolls and hackers and insecure crybabies.

  3. Previous killer main here. Now playing survivor so I don’t break my computer or just rage quit until my wait penalty is unreasonable and have to quit playing anyway (gotten to 6 hours not sure what the next threshold is). Hopefully I can killer main again one day….

  4. I started to prevent myself from winning, for me the win now is to slug everyone after 8 hooks, then letting them wiggle out and win. Since MMR is calculated with kills/wins, I don't get points in it. Sometimes I go against people with like 4 hours in the game, so I start 4k for a couple of matches, that way I don't get to play against bots, but not against full sweaty swf.
    Also I can finally try my hands at different killers with this newfound mindset

  5. I've turned a camper bubba, I need shards for the new dlc but playing a lot without getting mad is a challenge. if I face solo survs I usually let one of them escape, but swf, clicky clicky and tbaggers? No mercy, they'll met my bloodwarden + noed at the exit gate

  6. My tinfoil hat theory is that behaviour will replace their killer playerbase with ai.

    Killers make and break the game entirely. If there arent any killer players the game will go down very quickly. For every killer not playing there are 4 survs waiting longer in a lobby. Since the game is asymmetrical you will never reach a sufficient fairness. And that will make killer players stop playing the game. But obv. behaviour is a company that wants money. So what is the quick fix for that? Ai.

    Like let it sink in.
    There are so many things pointing in that direction: the new tutorial, nemesis zombies even mmr.
    To test out (large scale) the ai without anyone noticing they implemented the new tutorial and the zombies for key killer objectives (get close to survivor, hit, pick up, hook).

    The mmr (of the survs in the lobby) will be an indicator of how intellegent the ai has to be (high mmr= meta perks and add ons, using well developed ai vs. low mmr= unique perks and add ons, lower developed).

    It would benefit the killer player base still remaining very well too. Because let the mindless ai play against the sweatfest survs. Let it get blinded, teabagged at, it doesnt care. The real players all the while are playing against lower (than their own) mmr survivors so that they'll have more fun (and a fairer challenge) again.

    Does that just make sense to me or do I have a point? 😀

  7. Its so bad that i decided after my first two games of trying to get back into killer that those were my first and last games of killer because at a low rank i was matched with two reds and one yellow rank during my second game.

  8. Devotion 10 console decent killer main. I'm finally switching and playng more and more survivor (before mostly for Tomé Challenges) then killer. Even if solo is often bad, for killer circle of healing was the nail in the Coffin of sbmm/mmr (good idea on paper, bad bad realization, also enfatizing more the unbalance of good swf).


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