The Most Pathetic Cheater SWF In Dead by Daylight

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24 thoughts on “The Most Pathetic Cheater SWF In Dead by Daylight”

  1. Honestly I don’t know why people wanna cheat on dbd like games like this if you cheat your just gonna ruin it and if you win u win if you lose you lose you can get over it cheating ruins the game

  2. I remember when I played solo queue on old RPD against a Huntress and this cheater survivor would not let her get hooks. I tried so hard to let the Huntress kill me so 1. They'd get BPs as well as 2. So I could not get a DC penalty and play a new match. (I should've ate the penalty tbh.)

    But the point of that was :: if you're playing solo queue and you don't know your playing with a cheater, no you shouldn't get banned. However if you do know, like this group, I think all four should get banned. It's like a bully squad but way worse cause as killer you can't do nothing about it.

  3. Oh I know that Claudette, we’re close friends but I don’t think she was swfing with the others as the other peoples names I do not know. She never has strikes me as the person to resort to scummy tactics like that.

  4. You bought the game to play the game because you thought it looked good, but instead of playing the game normally you just play as or with a cheater to get easy wins. Nice waste of time and money if you ask me. The reason people play games is to have fun getting skilled at it and to enjoy a finely crafted experience the way the devs intended you to enjoy it, cheating just seems boring as you are in no danger and it is impossible to actually get better. But hey, I guess some people just want to make others suffer.

  5. Steam IDs for the 3 players who were working with the cheater:
    Ultra: 76561198304312188
    CS cs cs cs Sees: 76561198834539249
    Paige DMR: 76561198344069292
    Please report these profiles! Also, pin this so that others can see!

  6. I recognize some of those names, and ik they aren't cheaters. Obviously idk who Yun-Jin is, but I don't think she's with them. They definitely realized she was hacking, and saw that Yun-Jin was auto-fl-saving them, so they just tried to end the game asap. They literally can't die, so ofc they're gonna try to escape. How are they supposed to help you? They go down she fl saves, and probably insta-heals if you slug. She speeds up to avoid hits, probably has walls, and can just teleport away before going down, and even if you somehow downed her, she could also speed up while slugged and make it impossible to pick her up, and maybe she has a 100% chance of Kobe too. All this shit I'm listing exists as cheats, so from their pov, obviously they're just gonna gtfo and go next.

  7. if the others are aware of it and still act with the hacker/cheater then they should get perm banned as well. cheating in online games is just fucking wrong and disrespectful as all hell

  8. Anything or anyone that has to do with cheating as well as clearly working with the cheater is a pathetic piece of garbage. This really ruins DBD and also makes you lose focus while making you doubt yourself.

  9. The whole team is pathetic. When I play survivor I mostly play solo q, and if I noticed one of my teammates was cheating I would try to alert the killer to it. Or just let the killer kill me asap so I can move to the next game. Its not fun playing with cheaters

  10. And so what? She can't insta repair (scream, selh-hang to hold u hostage) as it was before, now at least fixed by devs (now cheater killers are stronger), and server now detects suss teleports, she will get banned anyway even without reports! U are reached that high mmr when you will have to deal with them, jumping to high mmr is really hard for survs instead of killers. Cheaters are common in every online game and saying they are trash are pathetic from ur side too


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