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In this video I will be using the new Boil Over which gives you 25% extra wiggle progress when the killer drops from a great height!
Outro background video by Schmutz06
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Nice Video bro😁😄
IT IS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love your Videos keep going
I’m so glad he hooked you 😂😂
hey man love the vids, what stretched res do you use :)?
Ok but like the improvement in your videos’ quality has been outstanding
I keep wondering what that Adam was doing that whole entire time lol
Never in my life did I think I would be hyped to use boil over but here we are lol
how do u have stretch Res
Welp iron grasp will be my main perk now
This perk is so broken holy sh*t, hope it doesn't go past PTB
Boil over is actually worth using now
1:22 Streched Res coming in clutch. I'm sry but I'm not a fan of that. Why do people still abuse this? This completely removes a lot of mindgames. The mindgames are what makes survivor gameplay somewhat fun at least from my point of view. I mean survivors already have enough second chances and they still use stretched res. Not a fan.
And then the same guy posts a video a month ago that stretched res is overrated but still continues to use it…. Hmmm I wonder why? O.o
LMAOOO like 4 tries and he finally got you just for you to kobe 😭😭😭
Out of curiosity, why does he look up when he’s getting picked up?
Why do I keep seeing peoples gameplay with these horrible resolutions and color schemes? it's so awful to look at
Thanks I hate it
ngl, boil over is BaLaNcEd now
Who thought one of my new favourite perks is gonna be boil over lol