The Next Licensed Killer Speculation – Dead by Daylight

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We now have new information that suggests Chapter 27 will be licensed. This video overviews the possible next licensed chapters in Dead by Daylight as well as a news on major licenses people want in DBD. A lot of people want Springtrap, Alien, Predator, Pennywise, Slender Man or Candyman as a new killer in Dead by Daylight, but who is most likely for Chapter 27 if it’s licensed.

TheKing Interview with Mathieu Cote:
TheKing 2nd Interview with Mathieu Cote:
Venom Xenomorph’s Vlad the Impaler Theory:

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50 thoughts on “The Next Licensed Killer Speculation – Dead by Daylight”

  1. >begs bhvr for their generic clown character to be added
    >cries when getting ignored
    >won't accept a skin, WANTS a full chapter for it

    We are waiting for Alien, Predator, Evil Within, tons of other way bigger/well known IPs and this guy is coping hard that they won't make room for another fucking clown. Accept the skin got damn

  2. From one of the tomes, we saw a ww1 scene where some soldiers found a cave, but there was also a plane….a red one, makes me wonder if DBD will bring the Red Baron into the game. I can see it being a amalgamation of the plane and Manfred (the pilot) being a creature of both man and machine

  3. These are the next 3 licenses they need: alien, predator, and Friday the 13th. Maps would be the nostromo, the guerilla outpost, and camp crystal lake. The survivors would be Ripley, Dutch, and Tommy Jarvis.

  4. I’m still holding on for Stranger Things’ return and Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Joyce Byers or Jim Hopper as a survivor and maybe Billy as a Survivor or Killer (skin most likely).

  5. I don’t know who the killer could be for Silent Hill part 2. I thought maybe The Nurse but— we have The Nurse so it’d be a skin not an original killer unless we get a second Nurse with a new power.

  6. I was literally just watching this as BHVR uploaded the teaser for Chaoter 26. Gives me Dark Souls vibes but I highly doubt it’s Dark Souls. Forged in Fog, it’s just a blacksmith aesthetic.

  7. i think that the fact that amazon has the licensing for candy makes it a strong contender to be in dbd soon because dbd has rewards for prime gaming so the partnership is already there

  8. The marble hornets youtube account posted that they are doing a collab with a figure company out of no where on the 17th. The video is up for a limited time because its only for the campaign. Marble Hornets is kind of where slenderman originates from that I know of… so maybe? IDK it feels a little out of no where to make a figure for a youtube series that ended years ago to my knowledge.

    Here's the video:

  9. Tall man is 100% appropriate for dead by daylight if they can make Pinhead work they can make tall man. And I feel like The Tall Man would just stumble into the entities Realm. And he wouldn't be brought in by the entities so he would kind of be like Michael and Pinhead where they just showed up one day.

  10. Man, remember Amnesia. Would be perfect to see similar treatment to that game like what BHVR did with Silent Hill. Just saying, there's 3 games. And I know what I'd pick.

  11. I mean I feel like the announcements of the FNAF and Friday the 13th movies coming out sometime later half of 2023 or 2024 indicates that if they were interested in DBD collaboration they would wait until then right? Like how the timing of The Resident Evil chapter

  12. i know this would never happen but I wish tina from halloween curse of micheal 5 was a survivor in this game like her halloween outfit was so good i just know her cosmetics would look 🔥

  13. i like to see a Mortal Kombat licensed chapter for Dead By Daylight. Kano or Shang Tshung or maybe even Scorpion as the killer. This Mortal Kombat chapter would be based off the movie or the first game. survivors Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade. map Shang Tsung's Island in ruins would be sick.


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