The PERKLESS Trapper STRIKES AGAIN!! | Dead by Daylight

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45 thoughts on “The PERKLESS Trapper STRIKES AGAIN!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Its actually funny i got hate messages from some entitled survivors because i killed everyone at 5 gens during the event πŸ™ƒ like its my fault for playing the killer role as an actual killer πŸ˜‚ (They also were all grouped together the entire 4 minutes of the match)

  2. At this rate, im just waiting the part where he's going to announce: "Honkey Donkey, big booty trapper in the house. Today we are going to play some Trappless-Trapper."

  3. Watching this makes me wanna play Trapper again, but I am gonna get destroyed πŸ˜‚ as I only use Backpack Trapper so matches go well or horrible. I think I am just too nice because I hate slugging πŸ˜… since I am a survivor main and hate being slugged πŸ˜‚


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