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Of course this skin got patched the day after I recorded, but still wanted to showcase some of the more egregious skins. If you enjoyed, be sure to leave a like, comment and subscribe!
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#Twoknee #Dbd #Deathslinger
The REAL problem with DBD is BHVR, that summarizes everything
15:26 "oh they're baloney"
Dude Twoknee, thank you so much for making this. Me and a bunch of slinger mains feel like bhvr hasn’t been treating him well at all, and it actually makes me so happy to see someone spreading the word. Thank you
Iron maiden skin also has an issue that still hasn’t been fixed…
Idky ppl buy killer skins. The only time you see it is in the lobby(except Chucky).
Kinda pointless in any first person game imo.
I do agree they should test skins before releasing them.
I don't even understand how these large weapons get through. Like did not a single dev load this Deathslinger skin up in a test match? They either don't test them in first person or they need to get some fresh eyes when they do because this shouldn't even be an issue to begin with. Skins are the main way they make money to so you think they'd take extra care to look at this shit before releasing them.
My pig mori is beyond broken now at this point. its like the bug for watching comp matches with wraith and you see his body dissconnected from his legs. but now with pig and now u can see what she looks like without the mask. Id rather have the fpv back at this point
Thumbs up this comment if you want to see Two knee do a hc killer challenge
Love the Bluetooth cranking
Imagine spending money on a cool skin- only to find out in game, when you scope in, it looks like you’re aiming down the back of a bus.
hey two please see my comment day234
it is a challenge for you
equip twins use only charlotte
use no add ons
and perks hex undying and ruin
franklin and weave attachment
it is good for a video
I just love their skins lately are unusable
18:08 was this a Psychonauts reference?!

If not, missed opportunity. If so, great job!
3:17 whats wrong with the lever?
21:56 uh, pause…
I don't know what more proof one would need to see that they don't test anything, if they can't even be bothered to check ONCE how it looks when aiming down sights (The most important part) is clear they don't bother with other things.
Me, a Sadako main: ….what's a weapon? o_O
Isn't there a thing when you put on a perk or go to the options to change the first person view.
One I know was really bad was the Candy Cleaver one on Nurse, took over the right half of your screen.
Hey man if it doesn’t hinder survivor gameplay they don’t gaf lmaooo
I was at a 3k and I went against a hacker and when I was finally about to beat him he caused me to DC. Idk how but he did. Dracula still has a noise bug too when hooking survivors. I also seen a weird, extremely bright part of the map. Furthermore there is a spot in the void where survivors can drop down and you can't pick them up. What the hell is that gun? Where the hell is that round going in? His hand isn't even on the crank. What the hell is going on in dbd?
that dredge vault was sick tho. Also the blighted chucky knife is confusing.
Why is your hud all colorful?
The clips & meme references you edit in, is giving me so much life.
Please dont stop that style.
0:03 that is netflix shao kahn?
this skin has some uncle level of stasche
Hello El Tono, this is your Nipple consultant here
I don't know when you'll make another community challenges round, but here's mine.
Please do give proof of reading otherwise I'll be compelled to paste the same comment under your every video specifing for how long I've been doing so, quite unpleasant I know.
This is a plague build that I call "You need to relax" (yes we are both reading it in Will Ferrell's voice and yes you might use the clip itself)
Mind you, it's specifically a Plague Build:
Add-ons: Iri Tablet and Black Incense
Perks: Thanatophobia, Hex: Pentimento, Hex: Plaything and Hex: Crowd Control/Blood Favor (actually the 4th slot could be any hex perk that survivors will absolutely want to clense, so I leave it up to you in case you have a better idea)
The challenge is quite simple, have all of 5 pentimentos totems lit up simultaneously before the survivors might get a chance to re-cleanse them.
I specifically chose Plague with Thana and back incense to slow the game passively and help you locating survivors better to know when to interrupt them doing something, in hope this will give you enough time to have all 5 totems lit up before the last Gen gets done.
im a deathslinger main and have most his cosmetics, i tried using this weapon for the first time ever like a week ago and my word i could not play that game at all lmfao
Im am very curious on y they don't scan there own skins like you saying you made a whole skin and have to animated it ads and don't find it odd that it blocking a quarter of your screen
I've been recently been called a hacker as a killer a lot lately,
It got me thinking: are hacking killers a major problem in dbd?
As a killer main, I never really suspected a survivor hacking, and even when I play survivor from time to time, I never really got to see a hacking killer.
I mean, how can you really cheat in this game?
it always pains me when the devs show that they don't play their own game
There are skins that make survivors easy to see and there are skins that make killers harders to see just in a different way
The REAL Problem in DBD… Stupid Skins… ..
jesus, the fact they the gun is clipping through the screen just shows how much they actually care about their game, and definitely not the money!
Also the fact the the reeling is sooooo out of sync really bothers me
You can break locks with the dredge by hitting them? I feel so dumb…
bro dbd realest problem is that i cant Ldance the killers bro
I've been waiting for them to fix Yun-Jin's blinking…
If you look up, his hat clips through your field of view haha, this skin truly is a doozie
Ngl I'm gonna say the Dredge Eddie skin is the worst for him. The weapon is massive while the teleport hand is flailing around and sometimes blocks your sight.
Dude, as a ghostface main when they released his classic look and you went into nightshroud, the whole right side of your screen was covered up by his own sleeve… It was HORRIBLE!
I'm surprised there's no Default skin for the killers that gives the rough approximation of what the design needs to function
“Can’t see fucking shit outta this thing”