Im very sorry to say this since I respect good players and you definetely are but you just dont have a talent to play Ghostface well and therefore get bad results = "worst killer". I counted lots of mistakes and missed opportunities this match where if GF played better you couldve gotten way better results and therefore wouldnt have had the mentality stuck that this killer "sucks".
Im really trying to keep saying it that it is not in an offensive way or anything, but I dont think you grasp Ghostie's full potential and therefore prematurely mark him down as the worst for no real good reason imo.
Again I disagree with this take, but I think it’s because True is a technically skilled no-nonsense player who hasn’t taken the time to memorize stalking angles and cheat spots. When you downed Meg halfway through the game after she was 99% stalked there was no counterplay or warning for her. While it’s sometimes impossible to do against good survivors, getting 99’s is hugely powerful
S Tier – Great Map Pressure & Anti Loop/Chase (ex: Blight, Nurse).. A – B Tier – Decent Map Pressure & Anti Loop/Chase, or very dominant in only one of those categories (ex: Huntress, Spirit).. C Tier – Either Decent Map Pressure & no Anti Loop, or vise versa, or mediocre in both attributes (I would throw most other killers in the game here).. D – F Tier – Nothing, a mostly M1 killer (which here is Ghost Face)
Lets face it, anything other than Blight and Nurse at top MMR is so RNG if you will do good or not no matter how well you play.. I haven't touched the game the last two updates since I got so fed up and just been watching Tru3
Like i get the whole ghostface being a stalker and finding your weakness and everything but i feel like they could have taken more inspiration from the movies anywhere else like imagine if they made the phones his power where he could like call out to them and if they dont silence the phones they hold he can track you around the map and maybe other things with it too but mainly that would be cool like i feel like myers is really the only stalker dbd should have ghostie shouldnt have it or if anything i dont know about this one since it will be somewhat recycled content which people dont like but to be fair ghostie is already recycled content just with a bit of a twist but if anything make it to where there is a phone on the map somewhere that someone has to answer otherwise it starts progressively debuffing the survivors or something along those lines
It’s honestly your play style and build, one of the mess ups is that you didn’t Insta down the Meg off the bat n kept hopping survivors losing more time. I’ve always used sbfl on M1 killers because of all the snowball effects that come from it
Agreed, Ghost face was needlessly nerfed for scrubs, that reveal progress save was 100 percent unnecessary and it just made him weaker overall, From making him easy to reveal in Non-SWF to outright nearly negating his ENTIRE Bloody power in a committed SWF. Sure maybe you can agree to disagree but getting broken out of your power just feels so annoying and its been made easier despite the 3d camera abuse that survivors have, the survivor literally has to use their camera to break you out and there have been COUNTLESS times where I've been broken out by a survivor who I couldn't even physically see yet they could break me out. Its truly infuriating when it happens and people won't play Variety killers for Survivor's sake.
I propose that Ghost face's Nightshroud should not be broken unless the player model is looking at his direction first and the progress does not save. Either that or FULL rework his power, involving the phones from the Scream Series. I see that we will have more ghostace for a few days then it will go back to Blight/Nurse/Huntress because that nerf was needless.
What these survivors that complain fail to realize is that if you nerf killers, they will just stop playing those weaker killers entirely, ESPECIALLY in the MMR situation where you have to play blight/nurse to have a chance.
Also don't be so quick to downplay Tru3Tal3nt in this case, why would he play a gimped killer consistently, its needless stress.
That or Killers just stop playing the game altogether, I've been playing survivor abit more and I notice that que times are usually longer overall for Survivors to get Killers, Wonder why.
I had a fun Ghostface add-on idea watching this, no idea what rarity it should be, and it's probably not even GOOD.
When the Ghost Face activates Night Shroud while in a chase, Survivors will continue to hear his terror radius and chase music as if they are engaged in a chase, for the duration of the power.
So you can pop his power while in a chase, and leave, and the survivor might still think you're mindgaming them or something for longer. Probably not good, but funny, probably. Might be slightly spooky. idk.
definitely don't think ghostface is the worst. more like clown or trapper (probably just cause im bad/dont wanna play trapper though). Having to work that hard for normal m1's while you can 99 multiple survivors and outskill survivors to instadown and save a lot of time with ghostie is the difference for me. atleast before the buff, legion was definitely worse to me too but they were still sometimes fun, mostly not though lol. Survivors often just healed quick enough ya know
Nah, Legion wasn't the weakest, Ghostface already was the weakest after wraith buff that is, before that wraith and Ghostface were in the dispute for the worst killler I'd say. Reason: Ghostface is always a problem to use his power depending on RNG (map, dark corners and line of sight) and that's not even counting the stretched resolution many ppl used before and I would say, probably some ppl are still using (i.e. I get knocked out of shrowd from ppl behind rocks all the time).
While Ghostface needs to stalk someone and necessarily hit them after, or use stealth give a first hit and then another hit without any single help from their power to end loops, Legion always could use his power to injure not only one, but possibly between 1-3 and with a pallet stun with enduring start the chase against one of them. In one way Legion already starts the chase with a person exposed, since they received frenzy, got it? Ghost needs to work his ass off just to put a single person with exposed, while Legion does to 2 ppl at the same time while running.
Not only that, if a person wants to consistently end his power, they will try dangerous plays or use pallets, which is an anti-loop for half the chase, the other half you fill with perks and following in the same way Ghosty will need to do anyways.
Another problem with both Ghost and legion is that many of their good addons were changed because, supposedly they were oh so buffed! Meanwhile other addons became good or half-decent because they were completely useless and they actually got a tiny buff to their base kit. Right now I find more problematic to get more time in my frenzy with Legion instead of how it was before for 2 main reasons: (1) The only +time in frenzy addon now is brown and adds only 2s, (2) Good to fairly decent survivors now are trying harder to impede you from hitting multiple ppl (going very far, body blocking and so on), something they didn't care so much in the past. So, what happens now is that instead of using the so called buff of speed and insta down you are most of the time obligated to stop in the middle because trying to commit will, most of the time give you a loss of time (i.e. not reaching one of the targets and eating a stun without anyone near to commit to a chase).
Play a few times against good survivors and you will notice how it became worst against good survivors. Legion only became better agaisnt ppl who already didn't know how to play the game against him, which is to say, a wortless buff for high end play in my opinion. It will only affect casuals, which I think it might be their purpose. For casuals even Ghostface is oppressive, for casuals there was simply no need to buff Legion.
I think sadako is the worst, at least ghostface got some instadown and mindgame when you crouch at loop. Sadako, well her power is useless and you got a lullaby for her stealth( why devs ?) Imagine ghostface or wraith with a lullaby with undetectable. So dumb.
The reason he plays bad for you is you insist on running a a playstyle on him that is built for wraith. You can't say the killer is shit if you forgo 50% of their power. You might as well be playing a neutered wraith. You have to use a mix of stalks and know when to hit and run to play ghosty. I fully agree he is held down by being an M1killer but the way you give up on stalking early game does you no favors later on sadly.
This is my opinion: Killer sucks, far too difficult to play and win without stress or sweating like mad. Most times, if i win a tough game i still feel stressed and unsatisfied. The killers i enjoy playing can’t compete at high MMR with SWF communication, so most of the time i get a 0-1k. I simply don’t want to play Blight or Nurse just to win but i also want to stand a chance of winning which leaves me feeling frustrated and helpless. I end up DC’ing a lot of games out of sheer frustration.
Survivor is just soo boring, like really really boring that i’d rather get stomped as a killer than play it. Most games i play as a survivor the game is usually over within 4-5 minutes with barely any interaction with the killer because gens get done too quickly or my solo team gets rekt because they are new to the game, which makes no sense because i have a few thousand hours so why am i playing with them?
At the end of the day this i just my experience with DBD and i find myself playing less and less, i’m not a salty player but the odds are soo heavily stacked against players that play killer. Even when i play survivor i realise how easy it is to win a game and i basically just stop holding M1 and go looking for the killer so i can get some kind of enjoyment from the match.
I’m down to about 3 hours a week in this game now and each time i load it up i just play a game and then just play something else. Anyone else have a similar experience?
I see what a lot of people mean I usually try to practice with each dbd killer and I find ghost face to be difficult but I still enjoy playing as ghost face at times and I enjoy ghost face over pig. In my opinion pig is one of the weakest killers
i disagree that he's the weakest, id say thats either Pig or Trapper. But I also feel from watching this that you dont really get how to properly use his power or what perks work well with it. For example, sloppy butcher and nurses calling are kind of pointless because if you use his power correctly, youll be 1 hitting people. You could bring scourge hooks PR and Floods of Rage for aura reading and location info. Or replace PR with discordance so you know which gen to stalk. You also barely crouch and lean which makes your stalking significantly faster. 99ing survs isnt useful with his rework since fully marked lasts longer now and marked survs cant knock you out. You're also using addons that (dont really) punish people for revealing you, when you could be using addons that either make your stalking faster, give you a speed boost, reduce reveal distance, etc. And then when they reveal you, you switch targets mid chase after injuring them instead of committing and downing them. Even after all that, you still got a 3k in the end. So overall Id disagree hes the worst.
That being said I still love your videos and you absolutely got one of the worst maps to play GF on since he has weak chase power and this map has countless connecting loops that all have at least 1 pallet.
They did him dirty with this „rework“. You get revealed so easy, it‘s really annoying. He needs some buff like not losing stalk after a basic attack. Hooked or downed survivors shouldn‘t be able to reveal. IDK what they balanced him around, but it feels like they tested him with absolute beginners and were like: this is fine.
He has to work so hard for insta downs, at the same time some other killers can just add insta down power with addons…like clown or blight. Why make it so hard for ghostie then?
I really like playing him, but it can be very exhausting. Unless you just ignore his power and play him like a m1 killer with (sometimes) stealth.
Otz has Michael as the worst, but Tru and I do no agree with that. For myself, I really can’t pinpoint between trapper, legion and ghost face whose the worst. I have good and average games with all 3. Every player is different and play styles matter regarding your worst killer.
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the new music of this killer is… uhhh.. to much repetitive…
Good old washing machine chase music
Im very sorry to say this since I respect good players and you definetely are but you just dont have a talent to play Ghostface well and therefore get bad results = "worst killer". I counted lots of mistakes and missed opportunities this match where if GF played better you couldve gotten way better results and therefore wouldnt have had the mentality stuck that this killer "sucks".
Im really trying to keep saying it that it is not in an offensive way or anything, but I dont think you grasp Ghostie's full potential and therefore prematurely mark him down as the worst for no real good reason imo.
ghostface was so good when hit and run was a good strategy
fuck you circle of healing
Again I disagree with this take, but I think it’s because True is a technically skilled no-nonsense player who hasn’t taken the time to memorize stalking angles and cheat spots. When you downed Meg halfway through the game after she was 99% stalked there was no counterplay or warning for her. While it’s sometimes impossible to do against good survivors, getting 99’s is hugely powerful
Honestly, this is how I look at killers..
S Tier – Great Map Pressure & Anti Loop/Chase (ex: Blight, Nurse)..
A – B Tier – Decent Map Pressure & Anti Loop/Chase, or very dominant in only one of those categories (ex: Huntress, Spirit)..
C Tier – Either Decent Map Pressure & no Anti Loop, or vise versa, or mediocre in both attributes (I would throw most other killers in the game here)..
D – F Tier – Nothing, a mostly M1 killer (which here is Ghost Face)
Lets face it, anything other than Blight and Nurse at top MMR is so RNG if you will do good or not no matter how well you play.. I haven't touched the game the last two updates since I got so fed up and just been watching Tru3
Idk about this one ghostface has been kinda scary lately
Like i get the whole ghostface being a stalker and finding your weakness and everything but i feel like they could have taken more inspiration from the movies anywhere else like imagine if they made the phones his power where he could like call out to them and if they dont silence the phones they hold he can track you around the map and maybe other things with it too but mainly that would be cool like i feel like myers is really the only stalker dbd should have ghostie shouldnt have it or if anything i dont know about this one since it will be somewhat recycled content which people dont like but to be fair ghostie is already recycled content just with a bit of a twist but if anything make it to where there is a phone on the map somewhere that someone has to answer otherwise it starts progressively debuffing the survivors or something along those lines
I feel you should practice more gf true, I feel you play him as he was myers
It’s honestly your play style and build, one of the mess ups is that you didn’t Insta down the Meg off the bat n kept hopping survivors losing more time. I’ve always used sbfl on M1 killers because of all the snowball effects that come from it
Ghostface's chase music RN sounds like a 3-second loop of a Puppet Combo game's OST.
You need Skill with him. Then he is good.
Ngl ghost face is actually better than you think you can have an instant down ready on each survivor and can traverse the map unheard
Agreed, Ghost face was needlessly nerfed for scrubs, that reveal progress save was 100 percent unnecessary and it just made him weaker overall, From making him easy to reveal in Non-SWF to outright nearly negating his ENTIRE Bloody power in a committed SWF. Sure maybe you can agree to disagree but getting broken out of your power just feels so annoying and its been made easier despite the 3d camera abuse that survivors have, the survivor literally has to use their camera to break you out and there have been COUNTLESS times where I've been broken out by a survivor who I couldn't even physically see yet they could break me out. Its truly infuriating when it happens and people won't play Variety killers for Survivor's sake.
I propose that Ghost face's Nightshroud should not be broken unless the player model is looking at his direction first and the progress does not save. Either that or FULL rework his power, involving the phones from the Scream Series. I see that we will have more ghostace for a few days then it will go back to Blight/Nurse/Huntress because that nerf was needless.
What these survivors that complain fail to realize is that if you nerf killers, they will just stop playing those weaker killers entirely, ESPECIALLY in the MMR situation where you have to play blight/nurse to have a chance.
Also don't be so quick to downplay Tru3Tal3nt in this case, why would he play a gimped killer consistently, its needless stress.
That or Killers just stop playing the game altogether, I've been playing survivor abit more and I notice that que times are usually longer overall for Survivors to get Killers, Wonder why.
Cant wait for Evil Dead
Its because most maps don't play to Ghostface strength, he's A or B tier on indoor maps, and really fun to play there.
Camping and tunneling for the W
Check out Carnival Hunt. Could be a DBD killer. Looks insane in unreal 5
Predator hunting grounds is more fun than this. I'm glad I went back to it after pre-ordering it
I felt this. As survivors feel ghostface's knife down there spine
Worst killer ? I don’t think so… this time, the survivors were way better than you… they messed up, but they really were much better than you…
With the buffs to ghost face's stalk you need to fully stalk survivors more often so they can't break you out of stealth and get better chases.
Killers that don't have good map traversal or anti-loop power are bad.
Ghost Face has none of them
I was watching the video and all of a sudden hazardous environments kicked in. I have no idea why.
I had a fun Ghostface add-on idea watching this, no idea what rarity it should be, and it's probably not even GOOD.
When the Ghost Face activates Night Shroud while in a chase, Survivors will continue to hear his terror radius and chase music as if they are engaged in a chase, for the duration of the power.
So you can pop his power while in a chase, and leave, and the survivor might still think you're mindgaming them or something for longer. Probably not good, but funny, probably. Might be slightly spooky. idk.
definitely don't think ghostface is the worst. more like clown or trapper (probably just cause im bad/dont wanna play trapper though). Having to work that hard for normal m1's while you can 99 multiple survivors and outskill survivors to instadown and save a lot of time with ghostie is the difference for me. atleast before the buff, legion was definitely worse to me too but they were still sometimes fun, mostly not though lol. Survivors often just healed quick enough ya know
Nah, Legion wasn't the weakest, Ghostface already was the weakest after wraith buff that is, before that wraith and Ghostface were in the dispute for the worst killler I'd say.
Reason: Ghostface is always a problem to use his power depending on RNG (map, dark corners and line of sight) and that's not even counting the stretched resolution many ppl used before and I would say, probably some ppl are still using (i.e. I get knocked out of shrowd from ppl behind rocks all the time).
While Ghostface needs to stalk someone and necessarily hit them after, or use stealth give a first hit and then another hit without any single help from their power to end loops, Legion always could use his power to injure not only one, but possibly between 1-3 and with a pallet stun with enduring start the chase against one of them. In one way Legion already starts the chase with a person exposed, since they received frenzy, got it? Ghost needs to work his ass off just to put a single person with exposed, while Legion does to 2 ppl at the same time while running.
Not only that, if a person wants to consistently end his power, they will try dangerous plays or use pallets, which is an anti-loop for half the chase, the other half you fill with perks and following in the same way Ghosty will need to do anyways.
I think stealth isn't your thing mate
Another problem with both Ghost and legion is that many of their good addons were changed because, supposedly they were oh so buffed! Meanwhile other addons became good or half-decent because they were completely useless and they actually got a tiny buff to their base kit.
Right now I find more problematic to get more time in my frenzy with Legion instead of how it was before for 2 main reasons: (1) The only +time in frenzy addon now is brown and adds only 2s, (2) Good to fairly decent survivors now are trying harder to impede you from hitting multiple ppl (going very far, body blocking and so on), something they didn't care so much in the past.
So, what happens now is that instead of using the so called buff of speed and insta down you are most of the time obligated to stop in the middle because trying to commit will, most of the time give you a loss of time (i.e. not reaching one of the targets and eating a stun without anyone near to commit to a chase).
Play a few times against good survivors and you will notice how it became worst against good survivors. Legion only became better agaisnt ppl who already didn't know how to play the game against him, which is to say, a wortless buff for high end play in my opinion. It will only affect casuals, which I think it might be their purpose. For casuals even Ghostface is oppressive, for casuals there was simply no need to buff Legion.
I think sadako is the worst, at least ghostface got some instadown and mindgame when you crouch at loop. Sadako, well her power is useless and you got a lullaby for her stealth( why devs ?) Imagine ghostface or wraith with a lullaby with undetectable. So dumb.
Very nice, now let's see Paul Allen's ghostface
In my opinion is the hillbilly because in console is imposible to use like a trickstee
I would just be happier if I could hit if necessary a 99 survivor and keep the stalk on them for when they heal, my power can't always be up
I think pig is even worse.
The reason he plays bad for you is you insist on running a a playstyle on him that is built for wraith. You can't say the killer is shit if you forgo 50% of their power. You might as well be playing a neutered wraith. You have to use a mix of stalks and know when to hit and run to play ghosty. I fully agree he is held down by being an M1killer but the way you give up on stalking early game does you no favors later on sadly.
This is my opinion: Killer sucks, far too difficult to play and win without stress or sweating like mad. Most times, if i win a tough game i still feel stressed and unsatisfied. The killers i enjoy playing can’t compete at high MMR with SWF communication, so most of the time i get a 0-1k. I simply don’t want to play Blight or Nurse just to win but i also want to stand a chance of winning which leaves me feeling frustrated and helpless. I end up DC’ing a lot of games out of sheer frustration.
Survivor is just soo boring, like really really boring that i’d rather get stomped as a killer than play it. Most games i play as a survivor the game is usually over within 4-5 minutes with barely any interaction with the killer because gens get done too quickly or my solo team gets rekt because they are new to the game, which makes no sense because i have a few thousand hours so why am i playing with them?
At the end of the day this i just my experience with DBD and i find myself playing less and less, i’m not a salty player but the odds are soo heavily stacked against players that play killer. Even when i play survivor i realise how easy it is to win a game and i basically just stop holding M1 and go looking for the killer so i can get some kind of enjoyment from the match.
I’m down to about 3 hours a week in this game now and each time i load it up i just play a game and then just play something else. Anyone else have a similar experience?
I’ve been wanting to come back to dbd for Ghostface it’s been months I’ve played, but this is disheartening bruh. Still gonna play Ghostface thooo
I’ve been telling my one friend who mains ghosty that meyers is better, maybe after watching this?
My thoughts have always been this. If a killer requires a very specific set of add ons to be viable then that killer is on the weaker side.
how have the devs not buffed him, he has been really week for a long time now and they still havent buffed him.
I see what a lot of people mean I usually try to practice with each dbd killer and I find ghost face to be difficult but I still enjoy playing as ghost face at times and I enjoy ghost face over pig. In my opinion pig is one of the weakest killers
i disagree that he's the weakest, id say thats either Pig or Trapper. But I also feel from watching this that you dont really get how to properly use his power or what perks work well with it. For example, sloppy butcher and nurses calling are kind of pointless because if you use his power correctly, youll be 1 hitting people. You could bring scourge hooks PR and Floods of Rage for aura reading and location info. Or replace PR with discordance so you know which gen to stalk. You also barely crouch and lean which makes your stalking significantly faster. 99ing survs isnt useful with his rework since fully marked lasts longer now and marked survs cant knock you out. You're also using addons that (dont really) punish people for revealing you, when you could be using addons that either make your stalking faster, give you a speed boost, reduce reveal distance, etc. And then when they reveal you, you switch targets mid chase after injuring them instead of committing and downing them. Even after all that, you still got a 3k in the end. So overall Id disagree hes the worst.
That being said I still love your videos and you absolutely got one of the worst maps to play GF on since he has weak chase power and this map has countless connecting loops that all have at least 1 pallet.
Hey true any plans to play more blood hunt? It was really enjoyable to watch you play
They did him dirty with this „rework“. You get revealed so easy, it‘s really annoying. He needs some buff like not losing stalk after a basic attack. Hooked or downed survivors shouldn‘t be able to reveal. IDK what they balanced him around, but it feels like they tested him with absolute beginners and were like: this is fine.
He has to work so hard for insta downs, at the same time some other killers can just add insta down power with addons…like clown or blight. Why make it so hard for ghostie then?
I really like playing him, but it can be very exhausting. Unless you just ignore his power and play him like a m1 killer with (sometimes) stealth.
Otz has Michael as the worst, but Tru and I do no agree with that. For myself, I really can’t pinpoint between trapper, legion and ghost face whose the worst. I have good and average games with all 3.
Every player is different and play styles matter regarding your worst killer.
I dunno, his buff kinda put him a up a little. However he’s still not top tier. But before the buff yeah I’d agree he’s the worst killer in the game
That proxy camping is why I stopped playing this game