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This is a disaster. This PTB actually made him awful to play against and the main issues he had were unaddressed. The Trickster is genuinely overpowered and can down survivors way too easily with little counterplay. This is not okay. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as Survivor against the Trickster in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
Currently writing a 1000 word essay on the Trickster buffs but all the arguments for why it's not OP are replaced with BTS lyrics.
The community: buff trickster’s 4v1
Devs: let’s buff his already good 1v1
I don’t see how that’s op ok nevermind
This Trickster was only using 1% of his power smh
If this goes through, people will just dc lmao
Make it 7 hits instead of 6 lol
So watched you for a long time and noticed I wasn’t subscribed; on that note, your reaction made me cry tears of joy & sorrow because WTF?!
I don’t want to see any complaining. Y’all asked for this
Bro at the first kill, a huntress would kill you faster than that xd (im a huntress main btw)
The first chase you were really outpositioned so I don't think we can really blame the killer
edit: Main Event is actually busted LMAO
Give it like 2 days before the survivors figure out something to make your power useless again.
Dbd Community: He needs his meter lowered.
Behavior: Okay sure.
you would have been dead if that were a bubba
Team was wayyy too close next to each other lmao. Team played poorly, and I can't see this being called OP just because this was poorly played.
He legit gonna be throwing knives at killers while climbing that tier list
I already hate Huntress and Deathslinger but now there's a killer that's more oppressive than both of them that takes almost 0 skill? This sucks.
Dbd community: buff trickster he’s trash
Bhvr: alright sure we’ll do that
Dbd community: this dude is op plz nerf
Bro all they needed to do is get rid of recoil and maybe decrease it from 8 to 7 blades. That’s it
I agree but only to a point. His 1v1 is oppressive and ridiculously OP. He still has no map presence whatsoever. Literally none. They buffed the thing he didn't need help in to very ridiculous levels and he's still gonna get curbstomped on the maps he already got curbstomped on. They just turned him into a killer that has to win a 1v1 12 times.
You know, there are all those jokes about giving Legion a gun…
Now that they gave Trickster a fuckin' machine gun, I think we should stop making jokes
It's balanced because fuck survivors.
Nah i don t think he overpowred he s just performing like any other killer, but survivors aren t used to him getting hooks yet xD
OP? No. Extremely oppressive? Yes. You can still do Gens across the map against him. With this logic deathslinger is op as well right? Or pyramid head and nemesis? Most tricksters use the usb to make it 7 knives and People say he’s one of the worst killers (which he isn’t) and now 6 makes him op? Like I said he’s extremely oppressive in the 1v1. But he’s still weak in the 4v1. Increase the knives to 7 keep all his other changes but make laceration not decrease unless survivors manually decrease the laceration meter. Pretty much what Scott has said but it’s the best thing they can do for trickster.
very much rather have op stuff than the weak and useless stuff
0:38 because if that was Huntress instead of Trickster, and assuming you would play in exactly the same way, you would have actually gone down faster, lol.
Ji-Woon Hak's mains rejoice!
He ascended with that flurry of knives!
It's literally only op because in the beginning you literally were playing like an idiot. You can't play against him like he's a normal killer.
You literally sound like the type of guy who would say the legion is Op or that the cannibal is Op. Maybe instead of whining about how strong he is you should figure out strategies that work.