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In this video, we dive into the biggest issue currently plaguing Dead by Daylight – the toxic ego within the community. From competitive players gatekeeping unique builds to survivors and killers trolling each other, we explore why the player base feels divided and how it’s affecting the overall experience. Dead by Daylight lost nearly 20% of its player base recently, and it’s clear that something needs to change.
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In this video, we break down the issues that arise from players flexing their MMR, the lack of creativity in builds, and how toxic behavior is ruining matches for casual and serious players alike. From people shaming others for trying unique perk builds to toxic behavior like tunneling and throwing games, it’s time we all learn to be chill.
We discuss the importance of embracing non-traditional playstyles, trying out wacky builds (like a Septic Touch build), and finding ways to keep the game fun for everyone. If we want Dead by Daylight to thrive again, it’s crucial that we stop caring about MMR and focus on enjoying the game for what it is – a chaotic, fun, and competitive experience.
So, how can we make the Dead by Daylight community better? Simple – be chill. Whether you’re playing killer or survivor, it’s important to approach the game with respect and creativity. Next time you load into a match, try communicating with your teammates or the killer using the “chill signal” – a series of movements that shows mutual respect and a desire for a competitive yet friendly game.
Don’t let ego ruin the fun – let’s keep things casual, creative, and positive. This video also includes some of my thoughts on how the developers can make perk balancing better and more rewarding for trying new things. Watch until the end for tips on how to avoid toxic behavior and make the Dead by Daylight experience enjoyable for everyone.
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#DeadbyDaylight #dbd #intothefog
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Am i the only one who thinks the toxic shit talking is fun? I genuinely suck but my heart fills with joy when i see post chat arguments
For survivors they can try out new builds and play whatever. As killer you ask for the near impossible. If you don't run gen slowdown or defense your game will be over in less than 5. Remember this game is not balanced around playing well or knowing how to loop.
This is why sluggy wuggy meta is growing. At this point that is the best slowdown you can achieve outside of that one Ghostface perk that pops a gen if you expose someone working on it.
End of the day, blame bhvr for the shit show we have today
I guess the whole deal is that we just have to be a Bone Chill guy
More like real gamers versus fake gamers
So what you're saying is you don't know how to play dead by daylight
Idk man, Im having a great time in DbD by playing Ghostface
How about give out really really really really really rare offerings that even a p100 won't see very often like an offering that temporary lowers your MMR to go against easier opponents or one those that do the reverse
The only time I give up unhook is if there's like no Jen's done two people are dead heck even if there's one person dead three people that are almost dead I'm just going to die so there's a higher chance for one of them to get hatch
Reasons why DbD is losing players
1) The community is EXTREMELY toxic
2) BHVR does not give a shit
After 5.5k hours in this game I realised that you cant change how people play, you cant encourage people to try to consider fun over winning in any way possible and there are people who just enjoy being sociopaths and causing as much misery as possible. Sometimes you just have to walk away from this game if you're not having fun, as its mostly a mindset and being stoic with what you cannot change and not caring to waste your energy trying.
As far as perks go (the end point), there simply has to be useless perks in the game, with as many perks and addons there are already if you make everything top tier you create a whole mess of potential metas that unscrupulous people will exploit to inflict misery on others.
Guys, give me your honest opinion…
Yesterday I got fed up with survis surrendering and taunting me to kill them to get out of the game as fast as possible (since first minute of the match)… So I slugged ToDeathONLY those (2) that did that. I gave the other players a decent chase and let them get away.
Is it ok to do that…like, slugging only in those cases?
Honestly, seeing it way to often that Survs just give up instantly, by just stopping and standing still for you to down em, suicide on hook, d/C,
be it because you found em to fast, they don't like the Killer, or even just from the fact that you dare to play a weak M1 Killer with Lightborn.
And mostly just play for the Tomes/Events by now anyways, always trying to get at least 6, preferably 8 Hooks before starting to kill them off, or even letting them go if the Gen Progress is far enough, depending on the quests we're on ofc. 8 Hooks 0 Kills is more of a win then 4k from Tunneling and camping, change ma mind.
bro , yesterday, in 5 absolutely won games (i downed all survivors by 4 gens already on second hook state)… i let survivors escape after 2 were sacrificed.
chill killers exist, is what im saying. i will tryhard if the other side tryhards, but most of the time if i win too early ill just forgo total victory to give newer (or unlucky seasoned) players some reason to stay in dbd over-all.
p/s i got mercilessly trolled by a good group of survivors after when experimenting with a build, but i still didn't take it out on the next group.
today I played exposed dredge and brought memorial institute, I play pretty comp on killer but I got personality. I knew game was done when at 5 gens someone dc-ed and later when I left feng for a second too long on the ground she dc-ed aswell, so the person I was slugging feng for got the hatch
oh no you get teabagged at the exit gate, how horrible…. A unique build is not unique. You are not unique, nobody is unique
Yeah this game aint dying, anniversary chapter gonna bring in a surge of players 🐻🎩
Thumbnail of the most gorgeous woman in gaming!
its mainly the devs fault
skill issue
As a survivor main, I create challenges for myself on a spreadsheet, and try to achieve them, by also trying to win and help teammates survive. I reached a point where I don't mind dying in other to help the team.
When playing killer, I go out of my way to not tunnel. If I hooked you and encountered you again, I just pretend that I didn't see you. If I see survivors looking stressed, I just give them a change and switch target. And if I manage to get everyone, I let the last survivor get hatch. In the end, it's to have fun. (Unless I get a tome mission to murder all… then… )
Just one word why its dying. People.
If you play this game and try and care about winning. You won't have fun. My handle is Chillmain and IDC about the dub. I try to laugh and get better every game
Oh yeah my first thousand hours were on killer and on e I started playing survivor I see all the super try hard killers. That will do anything to win and they will get a DC and then tunnel out the next guy as quick AF. With weave and Franklins or the busted hex builds. It does get old. Usually after about four or five in a row I go play killer and f off with the survivors. Just so Ik there is a cool killer out there. Now I never just farm from the start because I feel like that is cheating players out of the game. But I never care to let one or two go if I had fun. I have finished all my adepts. Except nurse because f her she doesn't follow the rules like everyone else.
The devs are just as bad as the players.
Instead of having legitimate systems to help end toxic playstyles, they just release a new chapter with a PERK to maybe stop it.
I don't want to run Decisive Strike or Corrupt Intervention every single round, but I kind of feel forced to.
FnaF will pump those numbers up like RE chapters
Almost like it sucks to lose and feels good to win. This is not the players faults. Bhvr just refuses to reward killers for getting hooks and rewarding survivors for doing well in chase. Their is no reward for doing good, only escaping or getting kills.
"We caused it?"
"Our fault?"
Nah man, I'm just playing. I just want to get into some chases, and crank some gens lol
YES! This guy is absolutely right! Stop complaining and whining! Is there some problem in the game? Be patient and eat it in silence! Staters, bugs, ping problems? Relax! Be chill! It's not a problem with the game, right? Upgrade your PC, get a job at NASA and use their Internet. And with bugs in the game that haven’t been fixed for years, it’s more fun to play, right? Stop playing seriously and start using useless perks, your whole team will be extremely happy to see how do you throw stones or use red herring on a generator that 2 people are repairing right now. Believe me, they are also just chilling and will not mind your builds. Killers, of course, will also play on the most chilled build every game. Problems with killers? Nurse is too strong and Blight is the best killer in the game? Relax, be chill, the developers know 100% what they are doing, just become bett… oooh no just yea be chill.
I know I have a good MMR but I don’t shit talk it cause I still lose. I play nemi and usually deal with p100 TTV’s but every now and then I just suck at the game and could be doing better. I’m nowhere as good as the top nemi player but I’m also not bad, I like to think I’m at a good level without being too competitive or too casual. I also don’t use the meta perks. I like using stealth builds so I can scare the shit out of people with the loud ass stomps
The fan base is toxic, for a game with no ranking.
The reason people are so unreasonable about the builds is because if they lose with a more gimmicky build they would say “oh I would have won with a stronger build and now there T bagging me at the exit gate” so there scared for that situation.
It's not that game is sweaty or casual or whatever the state of the game is, there just isn't much content in DBD currently. I finished the tome in like early December, there's no incentive to come back until next tome or next event. These stupid challenges – go over there and do that stupid thing 10 times, are the only thing that keeps me playing this boring game.
Game isn't easy or hard, it's stale. It's why I always loved playing when killers developed new cancerous way of playing the game, it was something different. But every time there's something that is NOT your next gen regression standard game, community cries online for nerfs. I play survivor to have fun, to develop a build that counters current flavour of the month, when slugging was big, I was enjoying no mither build, when 3 gens were constantly happening in games I was enjoying trying to break them. Now the game is just boring because everyone cries online to make things "fair" aka. in their perfect utopia every killer and every survivor are always running same loadout and playing same character.
I have an idea, create a mode for casual play or more competitive play, try it out and see how it does
Yeah… no, it’s not just the community fault, the devs simply suck at balancing. Every perk should work in way or another, if they don’t, it’s a balancing issue
The other week I got humbled as survivor, they gave up on hook against a knight at 5 gens so I said “thanks for the throw” and they messaged me back “sorry I don’t really play much” so I just stared up at the ceiling for hours. Like what have I done 😞
truth is that the entire game rests on the killers shoulders. he is the one who creates hostile atmosphere. because if you are annoyed by a survivor crouching, then your penis is thinner than my pubic hair. crouching is all they can do and they crouch like idiots wasting their time. as for me, i let them crouch as much as possible, i have more time to kill them.
only toxic behavior of survivors is staying by the open gate and holding endgame hostage. if you can run away and there is nothing more to do – run away. thats all you can say to survivors. i hate time wasters.
killer shows greatest toxicity by whining about hatch, cheating that he lets survivors escape so that he can kill them, and slugging. last one should not be an option on part of the game at all. if the killer does not pickup someone through whole 60 seconds, survivor should be able to stand up by himself. so each survivor could get up 4 times, because seriously, fuck slugging killers.
but generally its games fault. i played mostly survivors side whole years and this game used to be really fun. i was a stealth player and i still remember when killer was looking for me everywhere, in every locker, except for a clump of bushes which he passed like 3 times walking on me. or when i crouched around a dumpster and killer didnt see me either. there was fog and atmosphere. i remember how i loved playing on the silent hill map. this was my favorite map! you could disappear around every corner!
now the game is different. killer knows where you are practically whole game. there are almost no safe pallets on the map, on some maps there is no place to run in 50% of the map, so when the killer finds you you can only hold w until death.
playing as a survivor is currently almost not fun at all.
especially because game is optimized for pro players, only most survivors are not pro. so killers are simply too strong.
and what does it mean to have a 'chill' game? it makes no sense to me. any game is chill if the killer is not toxic. i dont like when survivors crouch, but let them make fools of themselves, they cant do anything else. so i dont even pay attention to it. it only irritates me when i die because of them.
As a killer main i agree 100% I'm the type of killer to give survivors a chance if they're on death hook. Even though I could EASILY end the game in the memeable 7 minutes I do toy with my food because it's fun and makes the game more enjoyable.
this vid is just him asking for a good builds with septic touch, oh yea and be chill I guess ?
Watch out at 1:30 this is NOT correct. Most of the time people post bullshit builds and pass them off as ''meta'' builds to get a couple of views. ''Experienced'' players know that they are far from even being decent builds, so they point it out. In response, the person who proposed the build justifies themselves with either ''I got this build from someone really good'' which makes no sense because strong people don't always use meta builds (they usually use different builds for fun), or with ''there's no need to be so picky'' which makes no sense either because you're advertising a shitty build, making players who don't know much about the game believe that shitty perks are actually good, when often they are just decent and fun ONLY IF you know how to use them (and spoiler, if you think the build is good, then you definitely don't know how to use them). That happened with finesse and draumaturgy, both are decent perks, but you NEED to understand how to use them, and even if you do, there are other perks that are way better both for soloq and teammates (anti tunneling perks, any other exhaution perk, or perks that works GREAT for soloq players as windows opportunity ecc…)
Want to know why this game has fallen they shift to much to competitive scene when they should just stayed neutral.
I started playing DBD like 2 years ago and I still play it, even though i lose most time cause i like playing survivor more, i don't go with the best build in fact the 2 build i like to play is boon build(cause i like being the support guy) or a gen build with that one sable peck spiders i think its called. Yeah I'm pretty much a one shot for killers but that's what make it fun for me and it helps team with gens. Also there are some matches where the killer just gets a 2 hook on all survivors and lets us go in the end.
I can confidently say, Jake Paul can't beat you up in a match. He only fights old people not middle age people that still can go boxing. Unless he gave you money like he probably did to the others. 3:13
I usually just tell my friends to give me 2 nods if they see me in game. It's really simple, fast, and easy to do, and can be extended to the context of "hey lets just chill this game." Try it out!
Keep it community, till this game gose down the abyss
bhvr should add a dedicated ranked mode so the skill gap wouldn't be as bad as it is today