The Tunneling "Problem" | Dead By Daylight Discussion

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22 thoughts on “The Tunneling "Problem" | Dead By Daylight Discussion”

  1. I hate when people claim "I get tunnel out first at 5 gens EVERY GAME!"

    No, you don't. There are four survivors. You cannot all be getting tunneled out first. There's only one first in a game.

  2. I typically don’t tunnel. Certainly not to the point, that I hard-tunnel somebody out of the game early. I know, how annoying that can be to go against. Especially if you get several games of this in a row. When you get routinely reduced to a 1v3 early on in solo q (which is what I typically play, when I play survivor), that’s game! Especially if the next survivor sees it for what it is and just murders himself on hook.

    So you are left with unwinnable games, that just devolve into cobbling together a few blood points and pissing off to the next one. Rinse and repeat. Sessions like that can be brutal and get me back into the killer queue in no time.

  3. Tunneling is bad because killers get dependent on it and never learn how to properly play killer get to a high mmr where it doesn’t work anymore and then they complain that killer is to hard and the game is to survivor sided. So yes tunneling is a big problem.

  4. Am I the only one that feels like basekit BT is good enough? Tunneling is more often than not a Survivor induced problem. Unhooking right next to the Killer, running head on at the Killer to give him a kiss, or knowing the Killer is going to come back so you sit under hook waiting for me to heal you when I have zero stacks of Autodidact. I think it's truly a skill issue, and nothing more.

  5. Now that we'll opened the discussion of Tunneling; I would like to suggest that if the Killer could see the Survivors Hook Count individually, ironically, that would make it easier for the Killer not to Tunnel when the Killer is actually trying not to do so.

  6. I've always thought the devs went in the wrong direction with camping,tunneling,slugging, etc. I think they should make it a fair way to still use instead of shunning them and encourage them to use them

    When i joined as a brand new person, those were some of the best tactics as i had not read on any of the forums, so i was blind to the "survivors rule book for killer" and i could use these tactics to win i wasnt reliant on them but it did help to have. But after i found out that ppl disliked that, i stopped using them altogether and started losing a lot more to really good survivors as i no longer had ways to bring back unfavorable matchups that i could have won if i decided to slug a bit harder (i liked to slug someone and use them as bait by hiding close by while cloaked as wraith) or tried to buy myself some time and maybe one or two more hook states by camping a hook to get survivors to get off gens and bring them to me or if i had tunneled out that good looper or weak link of the team at three gens instead of 2

  7. if they went with ur invincibility idea they would have to disable that survivor’s collision for those 10 seconds. also i would absolutely love 12 hooking every game but its just not possible in equal skill matches and some people can’t accept that unfortunately.

  8. I love toxic messages. Making them look like idiots by saying a bunch of stupid shit is just pure gold.

    But here's the thing, if gens are flying, I don't have much hook states and I have someone in my sights? I'm going to remove that player and make this shit easier on myself. It's the people that do it at 5 gens that are the real douchebags, but players alot of times don't differentiate between that.

    Also, to all the morons who want to body block off the hook; you deserved it.

  9. This video sums up my experience with tunnelling the amount of rage messages I get on PS5 for tunnelling when majority of the time they ran into me is ridiculous but also quite funny to see people moan at me constantly

  10. I am probably guilty of proxy camping, because a survivor on hook and a survivor unhooked are solid info, if i dont know where anyone else is when they get unhooked, i'll go back and try to chase the one who unhooked, and half the time the only one i can find is the one who was hooked. I can and sometimes do choose to ignore the one who was hooked if there's no other info, but if the game isnt going well, i literally have no one else to go after? And if that person also is going straight for a second unhook or a gen or something, i can't realistically ignore them at that point? at least without throwing.

  11. I almost tunneled a guy a few days ago.

    Got him hooked twice, then downed. They had 0 gens done. And I realized this guy had been screwed over by his teammates. So I let him wiggle free on purpose. He ended up being the last alive and I let him have hatch


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