Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Out of all the survivors Feng has to be the quickest and an expert at looping killers. Let’s test it out.
Just a video with funny edits and some DBD gameplay of me looping and outplaying killers in DBD. Don’t take the toxic gameplay to serious. Just funny moments to make you laugh.
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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed. I make funny dead by daylight videos where I loop killers, juke killers, blind killers. I also do perk build videos using dead by daylights best perks. I also do toxic builds to troll killers. Looping killers and juking killers is my main thing. I also do adept survivor challenges. Maybe in the future I’ll do how to play dead by daylight tutorials. Funny survivor moments in Dead by Daylight are my main thing.
dead by daylight, dead by daylight gameplay, dbd, red rank, rank 1, juking, how to 360, killer tier list, survivor tier list, perk tier list, new killer, new survivor, new perk, new map, new dlc, dbd funny, toxic, toxic killer, toxic survivor, new chapter, noob3, how to get to red rank, how to get to rank 1, how to pip, how to juke, ayrun, thejrm, tru3ta1ent, dbd perks, dbd meta, dbd killer meta, genrushing, gen rushing, most op build, dbd meta build, dbd best survivor perk, dbd best survivor build, head on, head on stun, new meta build, new sprint burst build, sprint burst, legacy survivor, legacy killer, most efficient survivor build, meta survivor build, killer tier list, perk tier list, how to counter every killer, flashlight, flashlight build, flashlight saves, looping build, looping killers, exhaustion build, exhaustion perk, no mither, no mither build, object of obsession, locker build, smash hit, aura build, meta build, tryhard build, object of obsession nerf, genrush, new killer, the artist, ringu, the ring, dbd, haddonfield,
We recently hit 10K subs, ya losers are amazing. Next vid is the 10K Q&A, should be funny… thanks supporting me, love ya💯🙏🏼
Yo we should play
hi I'm a fan I was watching this channel for so long I appreciate your content and your YouTube so thxs for the cids
Letsss gooo
Hey, I have been a fan of you for a very long time, your content is awesome and I really love your videos. Congrats on your 10K subs, you deserve them
Currently in Mexico but it ain’t stopping me from watching you ma boi💪, also new vid idea: never get seen by the killer
Congrats again for 10k 🥳🥳 we are all proud of you ❤️ and keep up the grind!
Wait till the perks you and I run will be entirely changed and let me tell you….it isn’t pretty homie. We’re getting nerfed 😔. Also great video as always homie!!!🐐💯
Neeeeew video✨
Totally needed this one after today, makes me so happy everytime seeing a notification that you've upload a new vid❤
And again, congratulations my boy, 10k🎉 LOVEEE x
2:18 u used hi score girl soundtrack nice
Congrats on 10k. Ur videos r so funny & sometimes when i goin through a rough day ur videos cheer me up. Ur one of the best ☝💪
Congrats on 10k, I remember when you hit 1k lol.
yooo wsp famm am i still a loser
Juke-gens-unhook teammates and then die💔
I like your Feng’s drip she looks 🔥 great video, Who, and congratulations on 10K subs u deserve it for all hard work and suffering LOL sending you best wishes.
His laughhhh 🫠🫠🫠🫠
omg i remember when you hit 2k 🥲 you’ve grown so much!
Pretty chill vid today. I appreciate that. Much love and again, congrats on the 10k. That's almost three times the amount of ks a Killer can get. <3
your the reason i decided to play dbd, who you gotta be my fav youtuber. and also my question is would you ever do more collabs in the future? you and jrm would be so funny
Wonderful vid as always. Loving the meme explosions and gen content (the best content). Plus, thank you for all the work you put in searching for content. It's appreciated. 10K vid hype!
When I needed Who the most Who delivered. Thanks fam today was a terrible day and I needed something to watch and your content is the best content.
I am a new subscriber! You do not disappoint. I love how down your earth you are. Keep up the grind!
LMAOOO "im a hard working citzen" THE CUTAWAY
my man, congratulations on the 10k honestly you deserve this my man if we ever meet in our future games, just know im sacrificing myself for you, no one deserves to get face camped, not even you
meme editing on point. 10/10 would watch again. Makes going through life just a bit better.
how and where did you learn how to edit?
Q&A , where do you live ?
amazing video
Welcome back dog missed u, u should try the max disrespect build: get a full squad and use repressed alliance, blast mine, flash bang, and dead hard or prove thyself. Most fun you’ll ever have in dbd
Literally love all ur videoooosss🥺
I just realized this guy plays on controller. No chance this guy is THIS good with a controller. Actual GOAT 🐐
One time.. i got to play with Who and give him my flashlight 🥹
Bro your vids are getting better by every video in terms of editing 😉 keep it up your vids are like a warm shower just awesome hahaha😁🙃
Wow another game without me 🥺😒. I actually thought the legion could hear you the way he shook his head yeah ahaha. Okay you said you are done with dead by daylight for a day . So that means I’ll be playing with you then? 😭😂🙈
who if you play ps4 you get good teammates (atleast in my experience)