The Worst Teammates in Dead by Daylight

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The Worst Teammates in Dead by Daylight

In today’s video we are going to be playing some games in which we have really bad teammates, hope that you all enjoy the video!
Killer Channel:
Second Channel:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build


36 thoughts on “The Worst Teammates in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Mark my words if you think randoms/solo ques are bad now wait til the update nerf perks and 90 sec gens bad Surviors will flood this game and run people away from it at the same time

  2. This guy plays with console/cross platform enabled for the easy killers but complains about bad teammates when they’re also on console? What do you expect lol? Also you brought the killer to the Meg on also went down twice, you’re not any better than the Meg lol

  3. Hey, do you ever accept playing with viewers? I like DBD but I'm always nervous to start up the game (call it the solo queue jitters), and it would be really cool to play with one of my favorite content creators.

  4. If anyone knows his build please let me know I’m kinda new and not familiar with every perk,thanks.I do know he has dead hard adrenaline and iron will but not so sure about the other one.

  5. Bro I went through 7 matches straight. The same bullshit happen to me. Keeping the killer busy and when I get hook everyone get confuse all of sudden. I was so pissed…

  6. Ahh a streamer who posts about bad teammates, yet survives due to said teammates. Can’t play with people who blame everyone else if they don’t get the perfect meme match.

  7. he might've not grabbed them from locker when they were "hiding inside"…
    If you (Dredge) choose a locker and already fly towards it and survivor will attempt to lock it, locker will open and small arms will pull survivor inside until Dredge arrives to the locker and carries them out.

    P.S. One of the funniest thing you can do is bait them for teleport into locker, when U jump inside in chase, and rush out of it right before they click to teleport to it. So they just watch you run away from locker and can't do anything about it being stuck in locker flight animation (when out of Nightfall). Tried it once -> succeeded -> never tried again 😛

  8. i feel your pain. run killer for 4 , 5 gens. get downed to NOED left on first hook not even bothering looking for noed.
    run killer = no gens being worked
    get facecamped = random survivors be like : i will get into a stare contest with the killer
    MMR is so bad, while the good survivors get facecamped or tunneled the baby survivors escape.
    its annoying ngl.

  9. I have a fair share of rubbish teammates as well. And while im still very new to the game, and not very good at looping; I am fairly improving by looping killers for a longer period of time depending on their skills. Ngl though, these days, I’m probably one of the rubbish teammates all because im tired of the constant dying all because my teammates couldn’t hold themselves and neither am I that good enough to survive on my own and carry a team and be their nanny. It happens way too often I cant get into a higher mmr. Its either I do well, gens, being a nanny, looping then get left for dead on first hook, or basically go down being a nanny and all die anyway. Then there are those rare times that’s getting more and more constant with me that I dc/kms I when I get downed either on short chases, get hooked, no gens done, all teammates crouching or not coming for save. I have to say, i enjoyed the game so much but it really gets to you after a while. Solo q is shit in this game.

  10. This is pretty much 90% of my games. And now that gens are going to take longer and self caring Claudettes are going to take longer I’m pretty much screwed

  11. Thats why i sandbag and throw every pallet … Killer gives me hatch every single game =) Way better than dying on first hook because claud heared the scawwy music 4 min ago and is still stuck in her corner … MMR ruined the game … Ash 4 … Rank 1 … claud still sits in her corner doesnt change … Also i run Bond + OH so i can make sure to lead the killer to you while ur crouching in your corner <3

  12. @nymeti next situation like that a 3v1 and a gen is that close don’t heal! finish the gen you have adrenaline and its a meg so possibly adrenaline as well

  13. This is why lately ive been playing killer instead of survivor cause i get dumbass teammates was getting them over and over it was just annoying. Playing killer if i lose at least I know its my fault or the lag sometimes. But when its survivors it’s usually randoms fault. I literally bring kindred and they still be disoriented af not knowing whether to save or not when someone else is running the killer and im on hook


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