The Worst Thing About Playing Every Dead By Daylight Killer

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The Worst thing you will experience playing each dead by daylight killer. Probably
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0:00 What is the worst thing playing each of them?
1:05 The Trapper
2:33 The Wraith
3:23 The Hillbilly
3:59 The Nurse
4:55 Michael Myers
6:27 The Hag
7:27 The Doctor
8:26 The Huntress
9:13 Leatherface
10:14 Freddy Krueger
10:59 The Pig
11:53 The Clown
13:40 The Spirit
14:49 The Legion
15:38 The Plague
17:08 The Ghostface
18:10 The Demogorgon
19:44 The Oni
20:48 The Deathslinger
21:35 Pyramid Head
22:43 The Blight
23:45 The Twins
24:38 The Trickster
25:08 Nemesis
26:21 Pinhead
27:34 The Artist
28:25 Sadako
29:24 The Dredge
29:55 Albert Wesker
30:45 The Knight
31:16 The Skull Merchant
31:50 The Singularity
33:08 The Xenomorph
34:12 Chucky
35:05 The Unknown
36:37 Vecna
37:47 What do you think is the worst thing?


31 thoughts on “The Worst Thing About Playing Every Dead By Daylight Killer”

  1. 34:30 Nah, Nah, Nah, his downtime isn't bad.

    It's another hitbox debacle

    Sometimes you hit the air and not the suvr, a piece of derby you get snagged on, so you end up being pocketed like a golf ball.
    Or, you're just out of reach of getting a window or pallet to chain the scamper

    Also, there are two bugs
    where you could try to scamper, then it scantal you; then you waste your power cause you were expecting to do that.
    Then you got the thunder huumm when the sound of Chucky slice & dice doesn't end until you get your power back to remove it.

  2. In my opinion, the worst thing about trapper is you set a trap you walk away for a second it gets disarmed you go to reset it walk away for half a second it’s already disarmed yet there’s no Survivor to be seen.

  3. worst part about playing Freddy is that when you teleport to a gen to cut a survivor off your not facing where you expect and lose your chance to get the hit
    when endgame happens you can't teleport anymore despite his perk and character growing more powerful as the game progress's which is not on brand

  4. This is actually VERY helpful for players wanting to try new kilelrs out. Tier lists always neglect the new player experience with each character. This shows and explains the flaws one must deal with on each character and trains the player what to look out for. Great work!

  5. So Before I watch this video here are my frustrations listed
    -Trapper Why do i have to pickup traps
    -Wraith Yummy pallets
    -Hillbilly If i hit a leaf one more time I'm going to explode
    -Nurse, Looped around the smallest rock ;P
    -Huntress something with hillbilly but for both sides air partials just seems to eat hatchets all the time
    -Shape The fact that you can run out of power… so your saying i get Punished for doing what I should to be doing!
    -Hag Main Buildings… you don't know hags biggest weakness if a survivor following her, be cleaning the main it can easily take 10 min to hit a survivor in main and if you leave they will disarm your trap.
    -Doctor how long it takes to get a M1 hit for other killers to do it faster
    -Bub Master… Windows… chainsaw no work D: 'walks away like a sad child'
    The nightmare the most interesting but i would say how hits that clown can get easy nightmare does at much less effective than clown and like wraith 'Yummy pallets'
    -Pig One word Inconsistency by holding W + Space basically shuts pig down on pallet dense maps it makes her basically helpless on those maps
    -Clown When 3 gens pop at 1 chase… very rare but on some maps its basically guarantee for how far they spread, basically just a 'You lose' button
    -Sprit My least played killer I would say how audio dependent she is… I love her visual design but game play wise she feels off…#
    -Legion (Plague) "Anything you can do I can do better!" also Yummy pallets! Enduring is a must on this character
    -Plague Easy RNG on your fountain… You can have a red fountain spawn in the stars office on rpd…I need no say more
    -GhostBoi I hate how M1 a survivor removes stalk, especially if they have enduring you hit a survivor with enduring and you lose your power and lost a 99% stalked survivor
    -Demo gorgon When a survivor is a inch away from your shred otherwise garden of joy… I swear that map was not play tested.
    -Oni… Honestly hardest to chose but when you get 1 shot of your power the entire game.
    -Deaths-linger As a deaths linger main This is when the spread tracks through a survivors head because it dint hit the pill size hit-box
    -PP Head Honestly how weak he is to Hold W
    -Blight Collision… Im sure 90% of blight was just tech based mechanics not intended for his design
    -Twins Walking 500Miles to pickup a survivor
    -Trickster When your short 1 blade
    -Nemisis How useless his zombies are how useless the t-virus effect I bet even with 20 zombies in the trail only 1 would actual hit a survivor
    -Cenobite (Nurse anything you can do i can do better)
    -Artist This is the modern age of dbd and i do not like artists appeal im sorry fans/ game play wise she's like a slingshot huntress.
    -Onryo how she lacks any identity anymore she is also boring to play as your not realy interacting with the survivor if the devs just amped her ghost supernatural powers to scare survivors outside of Tv jump scares at least she will have something unique.
    -Dredge just how loud he is.. pre running is this guys nightmare and im sure he is the most map dependent killer in this game outside of trapper.
    -Mastermind 'Toba Landing' I think you'll see why.
    -The Knight… for doing a 50 Win streak this guy is boaring… m2 catchup is this guys ballgame and its so tiresome doing it over and over
    -Skull Merchant ….. So my first game I was doing her adept and all 4 survivors DC's on RPD If there was 1 killer I would remove it would be her and then Freddy Kruger the dev's rly dropped the ball with her.
    -Singularity Honestly how much effort you put in for a simple brutal strength boost is not worth it.
    -Xemomorph Same thing as PP head… Hold W she struggles to catch up
    -The Good Guy I admire the effort putting chucky in this game his fov very much catches me of guard on how far the survivor is from me at times its even worse when in grass
    -The Unknown When you land a direct hit and get nothing.
    -The Litch…. I cannot comment since he's the only character I've not bought yet

  6. I knew killers were insufferable crybabies, but this, this is just a killer's weight worth of sh1t. Every minute bs that you mentioned in this video is compensated 50 times over by the sheer fact that the killer is faster than the survivors. Imagine crying about a game where you have the advantage, you have the devs on your side constantly hindering the opposite team and they are literally send off to confront an armed maniac with flashlights 😂😂😂 that's pathetic brother

  7. iron will is one thing but there is also now stuff like light footed, and the plethora of other perks that completely remove any sound you make. light footed and iron will together will be complete Ebola… they better buff stridor, because at this point what is even the point of playing spirit? its gona be that you cant hear them ever but they will know exactly where you are because the loud ass sound you make while using your power… i can see it now, (exhaustion perk of your choice, iron will, light footed and finish that of with light weight.) now they cant hear you, cant see you, and cant catch you. and if its a spirit then they might as well dc because their whole power no longer works at all…

  8. Just an Idea, but what if Trapper would have set up traps in advance at the start of the game in some random, but good locations. The devs could use Ai to determine which locations are good, and have it place 3 or 4 traps. Then he wouldn’t have such a bad momentum at the start of the match.

  9. As a p100 bubba, the most frustrating thing is hitting a pallet when a survivor is still in the vault, but not taking damage. I understand this is mostly ping, but it's still frustrating as you feel robbed of a hit

  10. So as I have played vecna more and more I have learned flight of the damned should be used more fore getting a hit from below survivors along with using it to buy time in a chase a crouch can slow a survivor down giving you time to catch up to them

  11. Recently been mainly using plague alot and deathslinger. For plague it's that quite often survivors will get hit by the puke, do the animation and noise of getting hit, yet they just won't get effected at all. Also not a big one but one thing I've noticed too is that on alot of loops and i mean alot, no matter how much you charge the puke, you will not make enough distance or get a good enough angle to actually hit a survivor that is basically in front of you. For deathslinger body blocking is i guess you can say part of the issue, but its more so that youll get fucked by the environment more than anything else. Especially when the survivor just has to barely tug; and they'll break the chain still just cause a singular tree is infront of you.


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