These NEW PERK Builds Are INSANE! – Dead By Daylight

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Today were are looking at some perk builds I managed to come up with that revolve around the new perks!
Hope you all enjoy!

#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdsurvivor #dbdperks

Music – Donut By Lukrembo

Intro 0:00
Going over the new perks 0:35
Nearby Looper 1:29
Gens with Friends – 2:57
Tracking the Killer – 4:28
Where’s The Killer?! Oh they’re there – 5:47
Insta-Gens – 7:03


30 thoughts on “These NEW PERK Builds Are INSANE! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. iirc, object makes it so you and the killer see each other whenever the other side sees the other w/ aura, which if this is accurate, would make that one build with object almost as good for killer

  2. This is interesting cuz most of my builds focus on survival and helping teammates(unhooking and body blocking)I never thought of just making a build with one purpose in mind(I want to overlap)so this kind of thinking is cool as it generates a different playstyle, good job mew 👏

  3. The new perks are tbh very low-tier: -Potential energy works more against survivors by making gens slower and risking you losing all stacks by being hit. This with very little reward.
    -Quick gambit slightly increases gen speed when looping near people doing said gen, which you never should do.
    -Fog wise is barely useful. It’s such a specific chance-based requirement to give you something so underwhelming as killer aura when you’re on a gen almost every other perk will be better.

  4. Maybe quick gambit and prove thyself might work well together (I forget if pt works when you’re near survivors or survivors are near you)
    Because then both perks activate when you’re close if it’s the latter

  5. I dont get the appeal of Potential Energy. On paper its inefficient considering you waste 0.5 charges with each token and in practice you waste up to 20 charges just by getting hit, especially in three gen situations that happens often and in those you wont have the time to build up enough tokens to get the gen done magically. Youd need multiple people with 20 tokens to make a difference and nobody can lose a health state. Seems awful to me?

  6. Fogwise is very underrated imo. The fact that you can repair gens and know where the killer is at the same time is crazy. I’ve been using it and it really helps me to make better decisions of where to go and where the killer is. Some games the killer never finds me because I am constantly monitoring them.


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