THEY ALLOWED ME TO WIN WITH THIS BUILD… | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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I can’t believe that they allowed me to win as Legion with THIS add-on build… C’mon dude. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog


9 thoughts on “THEY ALLOWED ME TO WIN WITH THIS BUILD… | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. While not the laceration meter, I think it would be worth thinking about a Legion rework that builds up his own "main event" style power by applying deep wound. Then, once full, their next attack in Frenzy will instantly down someone (sucks to suck if you miss).

    Then Frank's could let you still build your power if you hit a survivor with deep wound already.

  2. I see you were talking of Laceration for Legion. I made a suggestion on forum few months ago that worked a bit like like that. I discussed about it with grim in the forum comments, if you want to check it out i can give u a link :D.

  3. Opened the VOD of the TTV because I wanted to see what's going on with those weirdge locker plays and all I got was "okay, this man has a brain". Brain test, fair enough, I'd still at least try a spin instead and hope they whiff personally. They just wanted out of the game, apparently didn't feel like playing it out which is why she unhooked in front of you, they seemed chill and nice though.

  4. Idea for Frank's mix tape: hitting survivor with the deep wound state doesn't immediately end feral frenzy, but feral frenzy doesn't recharge off the hit and run speed slows by ~10% for 2 seconds


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